Travel Magazine

Ice Cream in Winter

By Travelspot06 @travelspot06
This week it finally snowed! So, instead of grabbing a beer (inspired by Kim), grab a hot cocoa before the sun comes out. Oh wait, it's too late? Well then, grab whatever you want then and let's see what's been happening around these parts!
The snow was beautiful! (Monday morning)
Ice Cream in Winter
Ice Cream in Winter
But it melted away really fast! (Monday afternoon)
Ice Cream in Winter
So we made ice cream to make up for it. 3 kinds of ice cream. Vanilla ice cream, peach frozen yogurt and mandarin sorbet! See what happens when  you get an ice cream maker for Christmas. I bet by Feb 7, we will be tired of it. BUT. It's SOOOO good! 
Ice Cream in Winter
Mandarins at the ready. 
Ice Cream in Winter
I got a letter from the NORTH POLE! Thanks Santa! Ice Cream in Winter
I went for a run in the valley where it is warm. Then to celebrate my run, I had a HUGE burrito. Actually, had is a little tame. More like I INHALED a huge burrito! I heart roach coaches!
Ice Cream in Winter
Then I headed to the Bay Area, where I stayed at a friend's house. Here is little A, trying to put on her shoes. 
Ice Cream in Winter
They actually went out of town and I stayed to mooch lodging off them, eat their food and catch up on Top Chef house sit. 
Ice Cream in Winter
On Saturday I ran the Coyote Hills Half Marathon. More on that later.  Ice Cream in Winter

How was your week? Did it snow? Did you run? Have you ever made your own ice cream?

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