Diaries Magazine

I’m a Plural Platform Blogger

By Nicoleao @momfever

blogger versus wordpress

I always take pity on the underdog.

And when it comes to blogging, the Blogger platform is definitely that: the underdog.

Sometimes a blogger will start out talking about the perks of Blogger but in the end it’s always: ‘Sayonara Blogger! I’m leaving your for a self-hosted WordPress blog!’

And I get it. I do.

WordPress.org offers a lot of perks, Blogger has far less options.

But that doesn’t mean that Blogger isn’t a pleasant blog platform. In fact my relationship with Blogger is better than my relationship with WordPress, which is trying even in the best of times.

Blogger perks!

So let’s give Blogger a break, and list some of the things Blógger is good at!

  • It’s really easy to integrate Google Adsense into your Blogger blog. You don’t even have to search for the right colours. Blogger matches the colours of the Google ads for you.
  • Found a beautiful Blogger template? What you see is what you get! Just install the template, and your Blogger blog will look like the pretty picture on the box. Unlike WordPress themes…

How to use WordPress.org perks for you Blogger blog

I use both the WordPress.org platform and the Blogger platform. And I have found a great way to use one of the WordPress.org perks for my Blogger blog. And that’s the Yoast plug in for SEO.

Whenever I want to publish a post on one of my Blogger blogs, I write it in one of my self hosted WordPress blogs. That way I can see my word count, and I can SEO optimize the post as much as I want. Once Yoast gives me the ‘green’ light I copy and paste the post in my Blogger blog.

Now some of you may say: ‘Why go through all the trouble?’ But I’m not ready to pay for all my blogs. And Blogger offers me the free opportunity of growing my blog without spending any money. And I also really like Blogger’s user friendliness.

So there you have it.

I’m a plural platform blogger!

And I like it.

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