Tech Magazine

I5 Smart Bracelet

Posted on the 23 August 2017 by Eric S @GadgetVibes

Bandied About
It should maybe be said upfront that I wouldn't recommend buying the Smart Bracelet I5. In theory, this is a highly marketable device. The idea of wearing a thick plastic band on your wrist to let people know that you exercise has been part of consumer culture for over a decade; even the Livestrong band model was easy to emulate and market. A piece of tech that jumps off from Fitbit's popularity should be something of a no-brainer, but this... might not be the most thoughtfully designed.

Far be it from me to rag on a product I haven't actually been able to use, but I think I can safely recommend not buying this product. It is entirely possible that I'm incompetent, but I think that not being able to turn a product with a single button might indicate a design flaw. This is a product without a direct interface and has to rely on a Bluetooth connection to a mobile device in order to work and to track your heart rate, your steps, how many calories you're burning, even your sleep cycle, but again, all this requires the ability to connect to your mobile device or even to turn on.

It's possible, even probable, that I managed to pick up a defective model. It certainly would not be the first time this has happened to anyone and I suppose my number was bound to come up eventually. After all, the user manual for this device noted that, when fully charged, the red light inside the bracelet would start to blink on and off, and that this device took about half an hour to charge. If I were smarter than the average bear, I might have started to suspect that something might be off with the device itself when the light on the device remained steady after about an hour and half of being charged.

Problems Applying Itself
While waiting for the device to maybe charge enough that I might be able to use it sometime next week apparently, I moved over the app store to download the app paired with the I5 Smart Bracelet, and maybe to peruse the reviews to see if anybody was having this problem. I actually like the app, Zeroner. It's got an appealing simple interface and some really cute design work. It won't let you into the program without setting up an account, and it does want you to use your email, as well as upload a profile photo, but that doesn't really seem like a problem.

The reviews on the app seemed to indicate that nearly everyone else with this device had the opposite problem: that they liked the device, but found the app unresponsive and sort of defective. The general consensus seems to be that while most consumers got the bracelet to turn on, they weren't able to get it to connect with the app.

To reiterate, I would strong recommend against buying this product. Even if I got a defective product, even if you just want an OLED watch, I cannot overstate how much simpler it would be to simply buy something else. At the very least, buying a bigger brand might let you commiserate with a larger group of people.

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