Banking heiress Trish and her husband, James, seem to have it all, from a lavish lifestyle to a historic mansion in the nation's capital. The only thing that's missing to make their family complete is a baby, so when Trish holds Anne Elise in her arms for the first time, it's no surprise that she falls deeply in love. There's just one problem: Trish isn't the mother.
The baby belongs to Laurel, James's young mistress. And more than that, James and Laurel want to start a new life together-despite an ironclad prenup standing in their way. When Trish becomes dangerously obsessed with making Laurel's baby her own, the lovers' plan to break James's marriage quickly goes awry. How far is each of them willing to go for happiness?
[A newborn generates its own heat] ***(Thomas & Mercer, 1 September 2018, ebook, 320 pages, Amazon First Reads)
This is my first time reading the author. It will likely be my last. Someone who writes such a piece of crap does not deserve a second chance.
I Will Never Leave You is an awful book, just awful. I've read the odd stinker but this is a whole new level of awful. First up, the book is not a thriller. There is nothing thrilling about it. The novel opens is a compelling way. I was intrigued. This didn't last very long. The viewpoint moves between James, his wife Trish and his mistress Laurel. They are, I'm sorry to say, awful people, just awful, the three biggest pains in the ass I've ever had the displeasure of spending hundreds of pages with. I speed red the last chunk of the book because I just wanted it to be over. I Will Never Leave You is ridiculous at times, not in a good way. Trish is a sympathetic character, for a little while but she's all over the place. At times she's cold and calculating and comes over as a bad-ass then appears to be having a breakdown. She swings back and forth until it becomes nonsense. James is loathsome. I really wanted to punch him in the face. He's also all over the place. He loves Trish. He can't stand her. He loves Laurel. She suffocates him. Jesus, make your sweet mind already. Don't get me started on whiny-bitch Laurel. I felt so sorry for the baby having three idiots to bring her up. There's nothing compelling about the book. The characters and story become are so ridiculous it becomes tedious. Apparently there will be a second book. Oh God, spare me the horror!