Debate Magazine

I've Found My Snow Jaguar Dream Guardian...

Posted on the 07 February 2013 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN the most unlikeliest of places.
I've found my snow jaguar Dream Guardian...
and it's a CHIMERA, fittingly. The stage-six mutation of artist/photographer Daniel Lee's twelve stage Human Evolution process, from dino-fish thru monkey.
This image generated by morphing from evolutionary stage to stage in the following gif animation if it were covered in SOFT WHITE FUR (curlier like a lamb's on the chest), would be exactly the talking thing I met in the living room of my dreams. Same human hands. Same thick tail. Same skull shape, jaw, eyes.
I've found my snow jaguar Dream Guardian...
Wow, so my Dream Guardian is part-ancient fish, part early-land dweller? That's a ways back. Wonder what it's message is for me; for mankind? That is, if you're not an advocate of Lloyd Pye's INTERVENTION THEORY i.e. genetic-engineering aliens from a few thousand years ago who MADE humans from some monkey-stage of this planet's indigenous lifeforms, if we're not talking about the Annunaki.

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