Photography Magazine

I’ve Always Said That Catholic Nuns Are the Bomb Diggity...

By Briennewalsh @BrienneWalsh
Photo Post I’ve always said that Catholic nuns are the bomb diggity shit, the Robin Hoods of the modern world, which is why I loved the article about Sister Megan Rice on the front page of the New York Times yesterday. 82-years-old, she’s been arrested for over 40 acts of civil disobedience, the latest being the biggest security breach in our nation’s nuclear history. Along with two accomplices, she walked into the inner sanctum of a plant in Tennessee where crucial nuclear parts and fuel are stored, thereby embarrassing the shit out of Barack Obama, and the entire United States military.
“‘We’re free as larks,’ Sister Rice said of herself and her older religious friends.’We have no responsibilities — no children, no grandchildren, no jobs.’
‘So the lot fell on us,’ she said of fighting nuclear arms. ‘We can do it. But we all do share the responsibility equally.’”
Read more about her story here, it’s awesome.

I’ve always said that Catholic nuns are the bomb diggity shit, the Robin Hoods of the modern world, which is why I loved the article about Sister Megan Rice on the front page of the New York Times yesterday. 82-years-old, she’s been arrested for over 40 acts of civil disobedience, the latest being the biggest security breach in our nation’s nuclear history. Along with two accomplices, she walked into the inner sanctum of a plant in Tennessee where crucial nuclear parts and fuel are stored, thereby embarrassing the shit out of Barack Obama, and the entire United States military.

“‘We’re free as larks,’ Sister Rice said of herself and her older religious friends.’We have no responsibilities — no children, no grandchildren, no jobs.’

‘So the lot fell on us,’ she said of fighting nuclear arms. ‘We can do it. But we all do share the responsibility equally.’”

Read more about her story here, it’s awesome.

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