I love a good challenge and, when I saw this one on Secret Library Book Blog written by fellow Jersey resident Nicki, and I knew I had to give this a go. After all I had those I-Spy books as a child and was always desperate to find the illusive items so hopefully I’ll do better here.
Find a book on your bookshelves that contains (either on the cover or in the title) an example for each category. You must have a separate book for all 20, get as creative as you want and do it within five minutes!! (or longer if you have way too many books on way too many overcrowded shelves!)
1. Food
My Sweet Revenge by Jane Fallon
2. Transportation
The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins
3. Weapon
A is for Arsenic: The Poisons of Agatha Christie by Kathryn Harkup
4. Animal
The House of Birds by Morgan McCarthy
5. Number
Verdict of Twelve by Raymond Postgate
6. Something you Read
Postcards from the Past by Marcia Willets
7. Body of Water
The Swimming Pool by Louise Candlish
8. Product of Fire
Burnt Paper Sky by Gilly Macmillan
9. Royalty
The Lost Empress by Steve Robinson
10. Architecture
My Life in Houses by Margaret Forster
11. Item of Clothing
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne
12. Family Member
A Mother’s Confession by Kelly Rimmer
13. Time of Day
The Two O’clock Boy by Mark Hill
14. Music
Greatest Hits by Laura Barnett
15. Paranormal Being
The Ghost of Lily Painter by Caitlin Davis
16. Occupation
The Housekeeper by Suellen Dainty
17. Season
18. Colour
The Woman in Blue by Elly Griffiths
19. Celestial Body
Under A Silent Moon by Elizabeth Haynes
20. Something that Grows
Flowers for the Dead by Barbara Copperthwaite
Yay all twenty items found but perhaps it took slightly longer than five minutes…
How many are on your bookshelf? Consider yourself tagged if you enjoyed this post!