Culture Magazine

I See Stripes – Portrait Award 2024 at NPG – Ends 27th October

By Janeslondon

Every year I try to see the final cut for the National Portrait Gallery's award. Find out more here. 

On this occasion, I visited with a friend and discovered that we liked a lot of the same paintings, which is interesting because none of our favourites won a prize, these having been awarded pieces that we'd given less than a few seconds of our time. I'm not a fan of photo-realistic art; there are cameras for that!

One thing I did find interesting – many the subjects in this year's paintings are wearing stripey things:

I see stripes – Portrait Award 2024 at NPG – ends 27th OctoberI see stripes – Portrait Award 2024 at NPG – ends 27th OctoberI see stripes – Portrait Award 2024 at NPG – ends 27th OctoberI see stripes – Portrait Award 2024 at NPG – ends 27th October
Only ten days left to see this show. Ends on Sunday 27th October.

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