Books Magazine

I Need Recommendations!

By Lizzi @lizzi_thom

I do indeed. Specifically for my feminism/women reading list. I have recently compiled reading lists of the books I most want to read out of the huge list I have on GoodReads, and realised that I actually don't have that many on feminism/women/gender. This is an area that I find fascinating and I feel like I haven't read enough on it.

Here is the list I have so far:

  • Animal by Sara Pascoe
  • Men Explain Things to Me by Rebecca Solnit
  • Everyday Sexism by Laura Bates
  • I Call Myself a Feminist by Victoria Pepe
  • Girls Will be Girls by Emer O'Toole
  • Only Ever Yours by Louise O'Neill
  • The Madwoman in the Attic by Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar (own a copy)
  • Gilbert and Gubar's The Madwoman in the Attic after Thirty Years by Annette R. Federico and Sandra M. Gilbert (own a copy)
  • The Second Sex by Simone du Beauvoir (own a copy)

As you can see I've got a mix of classics and more modern stuff. Honestly I'd rather read more modern stuff (say, since 1980) so recommendations in that bracket would be very much appreciated!

Also I must ask that no one recommend Caitlin Moran to me - I have read two of her books and didn't really get along with them... sorry.

I look forward to hearing about some amazing books!

Some of these are from my TBR so I've no idea what they're like but the ones I've read are all thought-provoking, whether you agree with them or not - happy reading

Need Recommendations!

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