God bless your little cotton socks.
Or if you've been sweltering through an Aussie summer, bless your wee cotton smalls.
Because cotton's about all I can bear in this humidity.
Some of you asked for Magic Soup. Ingredients: garlic, onions, mustard or cumin seeds, roughly-chopped vegetables, something green, liter or so of stock, two tins of chopped tomatoes, water.
Lightly fry up roughly-chopped onions and a full bulb of garlic, add a wodge of mustard seeds.
Throw in everything else.Put the lid on and go and watch an X-Files episode.Test the hardest veges with a fork, don't watch another episode yet.Don't overcook.
Dish it up, add salt and pepper and maybe crumble a slice of toast over the bowl if you're famished.You can now resume your viewing.
Yes, I'm bleaching my hair out, ready for next color.Hubby was in hospital for 12 days while I packed our house to move.We have now moved.I'm traumatised, yet elated.
Desiree xxxxxxx