Family Magazine

I'm On The List! The Most Influential Canadian Mom Blogs

By Thismomloves @ThisMomLoves
This morning, SavvyMom released a list of The 75 Most Influential Canadian Mom Blogs...and I'm on there!
The description for This Mom Loves reads:
"Best Momterviews: Kate is a mom to two young girls but also spends her days as a grade 3 teacher in Ontario. On top of that, she is a freelance writer for different publications, and has a blog chock full of joyful posts dedicated to sharing the love she has for the people, places and products in her life. Don’t miss her memorable momterviews! "
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Joining me on the list is my super-supportive writer friend Sarah from Sleeping Is For Losers. Check out her blog if you haven't yet!
Thanks for the recognition, SavvyMom, and congratulations to all of the amazing bloggers on the list. I am truly honoured to be among you!
(Why didn't they mention anything about my trademark overuse of punctuation, particularly exclamation marks and parentheses?!)

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