Business Magazine

I’M Calling It: The New Wholesale On Chinese Is Around $50K

Posted on the 09 November 2015 by Worldwide @thedomains

The new wholesale value of a Chinese three letter .Com domain name ( is now $50,000.

Having over 100,  58 of them which are those Favorited by Chinese domain investors, without vowels or the letter “v’ opens me up to a numerous offers all day long which I recently wrote about.

When I talk about wholesale offers I’m talking about unsolicited email offers from investors and brokers who appear to live in China and are willing to buy a domain today in what is a very liquid market.

Certainly not end users which are still there all around the world for three letter .com’s with or without Vowels or “v’ (“Chinese’s)

To call a wholesale value,  I take into account the number of offers, the random nature of the offers and the number of parties will to pay that amount or more for a random domain or group of domain names.

As of today, I’m calling the wholesale value of Chinese to be around $50K.

Those would be for non repeaters.

Obviously the market for a three letter repeater has been six figures and a two letter repeater such as or (yes those are my domains) can fetch a higher price so I’m excluding those.

I have been offered as of this morning upwards of $57,000 per for several of the Chinese three letter .com’s and have several offers from several parties at $50,000 per.

Earlier this year the wholesale value was around $24K

A month ago it was around $40K.

Now why I’m I telling you this?

Simply so you don’t sell cheap.

I’m not telling you to buy 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 letter .com’s or domains in other extensions.

So we are clear so we do not have a repeat like the discussion going on another one of our posts from Friday night, the only motive I have is for everyone to get the dollars that are sitting out there for the assets you have and yes, if you sell cheap it doesn’t help anyone including yourself.

If you have one or several three letter Chinese .Com’s and are wanting to sell but are not getting offers in this range then feel free to hit me up for brokerage.

Or think about putting them in the NamesCon auction at which time at this rate, they will be worth a lot more but no one can predict the future.

Simple just don’t sell them for $25K or $30K or even $40K

Keep in mind that three letter .com domains with a vowel or a “v” still have value but they don’t have a wholesale value and the liquidity that the Chinese domain names have.

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