Destinations Magazine

I'm Back, Back, Back Again... Manila, The Philippines!

By Josephharrison1990 @JTAH_1990

Being back in Manila felt good but strange all at the same time, I had one more evening to explore but I knew reality was just around the corner! I wanted to make the most of that evening with something of a 'BGC' moment, taking in something new and maybe even a 'Ru-Girl Venue!' Sure, Manila had more to show me! Certainly, I was hungry for more delicious Filipino foods! 

I'm Back, Back, Back Again... Manila, The Philippines!

My Philippine Airlines flight from Puerto Princesa to Manila was textbook, I had decided to spend one more night in Manila before jetting back to Mainland China the following evening. I was thankful that I arrived back during the early afternoon because Manila Ninoy Aquino International Airport had me messed up with those taxis on my initial arrival. My 'Airport Achievers Hotel' was just around the corner, even that taxi driver tried to get some extra coins from me because the hotel drop off was located behind a pay & display car park. I checked in without any issues and was even able to pay for a late check out for the following day, the surcharge was worth every single Peso! I already fancied my chances of having a night-out at one of BGC's most famous Drag venues but in hindsight I was being over ambitious, I was exhausted from those Palawan miles traveled. Refreshed and ready for the evening ahead, I kept an open mind. Hailing another 'Grab' felt correct because I hadn't called one since I was last in Manila! 

My taxi ride was an interesting one, I was able to have an insightful conversation about the Philippines with the taxi driver. Arriving at my destination acted as quite the contrast, those shiny glass skyscrapers and brightly lit ad campaigns didn't look like the areas surrounding the airport where I was staying! I wanted to see how this pristine part of Manila functioned as those nighttime settings drew in. I found myself slap bang in the middle of Metro Manila's busy 'Bonifacio Global City', it was a playground bursting with restaurants, shopping and commerce. I was certainly feeling hungry, I knew that I would be able to find a suitable establishment for my final meal in the Philippines. For that first trip, I had already decided a return would be on the cards! I couldn't get over the deafening contrast between BGC and what Ermita looked like, it was truly like 'how the other half lived!' It felt bittersweet, I knew that my trip was coming to an end, I wanted to enjoy my last night! BGC looked shiny new but I wanted to be back in Ermita! 

I'm Back, Back, Back Again... Manila, The Philippines!

I was spoiled for choice, I saw a whole host of restaurants that were all packed with chattering Pinoy patrons! I knew that I would need to make a choice one way or another, I fancied some 'Filipino' food because I wanted to embrace those last night vibes. 'Friends & Family' looked like the place for me! I ordered up a storm, it was literally a taste test with all of those things ordered. I started with a jack-fruit shake, at first I thought it was the dreaded 'Durian' but thankfully it wasn't! I ordered two pork BBQ skewers, please don't quote me what style one of the kebabs was exactly! I tried a couple of bites because it was all about the experience. My main order was the 'Pork Binagoongan' served with white boiled rice, I actually really enjoyed that meal because the flavours were on-point! I know that sometimes I can be cheap and that evening I was feeling super cheap, I took a note of my sub-total because I wanted to finish my massive meal with one of the freshly baked cakes. I devoured a huge slice of 'Tres Leches' because I could! It was a lot! 

I literally rolled myself out of that restaurant, the thought of having an alcoholic drink turned my stomach the wrong way! I walked along the pavement away from that busy development with the hope of burning some of that food off, I didn't want to drink anything strong with a whole feast to digest! It was actually quite nice to spend some time walking around those lit streets because I didn't have to watch my belongings so intently. I noticed that a different vibe lived in BGC within the respect it didn't serve the same culture other parts of the city did. It made me think how I loved the qualities of Ermita, there wasn't the same honesty in BGC. I imagined Makati City to be a similar gig as Bonifacio Global City, Makati was also a place that didn't impress me much. If truth be told, I was feeling quite thoughtful during that BGC moment, the thought of going into a club didn't seem like a good idea but I kept on walking further around the block. Manila had me in my feelings, I wanted to finish the night on a high. M, I pushed on! 

I'm Back, Back, Back Again... Manila, The Philippines!

Being a fan of 'Drag Race Philippines' since the debut season in 2021, I had always wanted to visit one of the main competitor show-bars in Manila. My time had come, I was able to locate 'NECTAR' pretty easily and knew that I needed to at least have a drink to say I had set foot inside. I had come to the point where I felt the walking had done the trick, honestly that statement was necessary! I noticed that the doors had opened, it was time for me to see what all the fuss was about! Apparently, the previous night had been the turn of a famous 'DRPH' Ru-Girl but I wasn't bothered, I wanted to see some local talent instead. I paid my entrance fee, it had been a long time I had needed to pay any entrance to a venue before that Manila moment! I knew that it was early on but I didn't realize that the club only had limited 'to reserve' seats. I knew that was already a red flag for me, all I wanted was a bar stool to survey the venue and wait for the queens. With a mixed drink in hand, I cautiously gave NECTAR the benefit of the doubt. 

For me, I felt that I didn't want to have to stand and wait however long until the queens came onto the stage. This feeling wasn't any reflection towards the talented superstars that represent Filipino Drag but more so the feeling of the venue not having any seating space. Maybe I was just tired? I definitely know I need to return in time to one of the many Drag venues that can be found in Manila to put this feeling to bed. Talking of beds, I needed to get myself back to the hotel soon because I was feeling exhausted. I was able to hail a cab quite easily, the driver on the way back to the hotel told me all about 'Zamboanga' because I had mentioned to him that I was potentially looking at making it one of my future PH destinations. He said it was a 'No-Go Zone' with much trouble, that made me want to research about it even more! Sound asleep in my hotel bed, I was able to dream easy with Manila in the bag until next time! Manila had done me no wrong, I just preferred the 'Realness' over the 'BGC' kind of places! Oh, I am planning my comeback PH trip! 

The Third Strike! 

Desperately Seeking Adventure

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