A glutton for punishment? I do think! Returning to Blackpool in April 2022 showed me a different side to that Northern seaside town! I had last visited in July 2014! A walk down the Promenade? I wanted to soak up all of that Lancashire nature, first time around I was much too impatient to pay much attention! 2022 allowed me some 'Freedom', so I returned with a cause!

Back with a plan? Having a second chance to 'Go Up North' saw me stepping down from my National Express coach with a semi-solidified plan to catch more views of the Promenade. Arriving bang on for check-in, I walked towards the North Pier so I could drop my bag at my chosen accommodation. Blackpool still had that 'rough and ready' nature by the bucket full, I was ready for the same 'down to earth' nature. Those Lockdowns had done their best to try and destroy everyday life in Blackpool, I wanted to return to the seaside town because I was feeling curious! Genuinely, I wanted to see! Walking down Coronation Street away from the coach stand had me taking in the energy of Blackpool once again, things looked the same just like before but definitely those shopfronts had taken a bash from the recent two years of disruption. I knew the resilience of the people would shine through because my hometown isn't exactly the 'Garden Of Eden!' It had been eight years since my last visit, the world was in a very different place! Go, B!
Getting my stride on, I passed by Blackpool's Winter Gardens with two blazing comparisons fronting me in differing directions, madness! The mix had a smattering of 'Urban Decay' thrown in for good measure, the government needs to come through with that 'Northern Powerhouse' coinage because my view served many questions? I had no room to judge Blackpool, I was simply observing my weekend surroundings. My heart had a few more beats for Blackpool because I had seen many variations of news reports, Blacks doesn't just need investment because what happens when those new shiny developments don't benefit 'Joe Public?' Boris! Are you sure? Of course, I had much more of a focus second time around in Blackpool, my blog has grown to a higher place than it was in 2014! Because of that stage of blog development, I had at least four blog features planned to narrate that Blackpool weekend! Soaking in every inch of Blackpool's town center had me paying a higher level of attention. Oh, Blackpool had me back!

Not placing any stress on the situation but I was a hot mess during that 2014 visit to Blackpool, the daytime would be used just as effectively as the night would be! Mark my words, the Irish Sea looked great but I'm going to leave that chapter for a 'Beside The Sea' blog post. I wanted an 'Ice Cream' because in 2014 I shamefully forgot to have one, what kind of actual foolery was that move! 2022 had me paying for my double scoop 'Mr. Whippy' ice cream and with precision I ensured each side of my ice cream had a chocolate flake. Having left those childhood years, I knew full well that no amusement arcades would be frequented, I knew where else later on I wanted to spend up my coins! Not tempted to touch, it was fascinating to see the colourful amusement arcades near the sea. Also known as the 'Vegas Of The North', I definitely saw tones of vintage Las Vegas as I walked past 'Golden Mile'. Yes, a sense of 'Coney Island' had me clocking those dazzling daylight sightings, no lies were told Blackpool! Rock? I had to find some!
Looking all cute and nice? Blackpool's Promenade saw me scouting down my very own stick of rock! I had been sleep walking during the previous trip, I had all senses placed on the pavement like a sniffer dog! Paying my Pound coin price, I knew full well that my Blackpool Rock would be sitting at the bottom of my suitcase for a few days. I wasn't mad, I didn't want to rush things. Snatching my photo had to be done, I had come away with three pitiful photos during that 2014 visit, no way would that be happening with my blogs developed so. Feeling fussy? No, I don't think! The weather didn't have me feeling down or under pressure, Blackpool knew I was going to be alright! Walking towards Central Pier had me clocking some certain sightings, my spirit guide told me I was about to do some 'National Geographic' observations. From stag, hens and even stens, those 'Friday Settings' were about to be turned up! It was only 3 in the afternoon but I wasn't about to be judging others for their drinking, a hypocrite I would sound like! Help me!

The list of missed opportunities from that 2014 visit to Blackpool had to be burnt like a brand new candlewick! It was all about a 'Fish & Chips' operation, turning out to be the most expensive I had ever seen, walking a few streets away from the waters of the Irish Sea had to be done! I had reasons, getting my bang for my buck was the objective, best believe Blackpool! Waverely Cafe came on through, ordering a regular 'Fish & Chips' served with garden peas and a one-off strawberry milkshake, it was on! What did I even eat during that 2014 trip to Blackpool? 2022 gave me that chance to return, making the most of that Blackpool 'Comeback', I had to say that my order tasted amazing! The vibe was honest, listening to those local cafe conversations had me laughing to myself. Don't forget the bread and butter because I had no chill, a chip sandwich was more than necessary! Shunning those franchise fast food outlets, my determination had me ticking those boxes! Blackpool knew what time it was, Lancashire knew best during that Friday!
Me a, 'Bargain Loving Brit In Blackpool?' I wanted to get another taste of that 'TV Documentary' with a stroll along Dale St had me looking for 'Higgitt's Las Vegas Arcade'. Things were looking quiet, I had already had my dinner so with the 'Bingo' closed next door, I gave up on that strand of curiosity. The afternoon had been a full packed situation and it wasn't even tea time yet! Like a silent 'Hurricane', I made my way down the Promenade with my hotel as my chosen target. I had flown in with my 'Return Rules' obeyed and signed off, the night ahead wasn't even on my mind because I wasn't going to drink that Friday night! Was I even sure about that? No, I was kidding myself completely! After scoring my 'Ice Cream' and 'Fish & Chips' along the Prom second time around in Blackpool, it was time to take head back to North Pier. The coach stop had me looking at something familiar, in truth 2014's visit didn't even count in that moment! Beside the what? Oh B, I will eventually get to spill the truth from my moment 'Beside The Sea!'
Blackpool... I've Got You!
Desperately Seeking Adventure