For two months, I had to take a sudden break from going to events (except for one or two cannot pass up on, haha) or even writing anything. It was unplanned but refreshing. Due to some health issues, I needed to take things slow. I cannot put anymore stress in my life, on top of the mild depression I was having. The easiest, and I say that with a lump on my throat, is to drop blogging from my routine.
For most, blogging is a stress reliever. I love it because it is an outlet for me. Something I do that I want rather than I need or had been asked to do. Then it slowly became such a task that it took too much of my time and emotions. Instead of helping me, it had added to the stress of my daily life. There are even instances I was thinking more like a blogger than a mom. I'd be frustrated when I'm not able to take a photo of a fabulous outfit I put Mila on because she spilled something on it before I got the shot. I should have been happy she can eat on her own and that she enjoys what mom cooked. I was more concerned of documenting everything instead of living the moment with my daughter. Maybe a lot of us experience that, not just bloggers. The social media culture got us in to this predicament. So I guess, blogging is not to blame huh? Ok, I blame it on Instagram. Haha.
With that said, the very much needed break had given me the chance to sit back and relax. I got more time with Mila. I was able to focus on planning and preparing for her second birthday celebration. My husband and I had more chances to talk and reconnect. He was able to help me out of depression, without him knowing I was depressed. I'll tell you more about it soon when I'm ready. I'd rather share my happy moments first. If anything, I've learned to focus on the positive. Go back to wait make you happy.
Now that I'm healthier, I want to go back to blogging too because it had been a source of so much happiness and fun. It's not just writing and freebies and events. It's the fun of the community and friends that I've met. It's the joy of meeting and connecting to people. Post may be few and far in between. I'd be more. Laid back now and learn to prioritize. But I'd still continue sharing my adventures as a first time working mom, who may not know everything, but is definitely ready to learn and grow up with her daughter. One blog post, and one #milaOOTD at a time!
PS: Just because I was on hiatus during the blog's 1st year anniversary, it does not mean I forgot to celebrate with you guys. Watch out for the next post! *wink*