Fashion Magazine

"I'm Asking For A Friend"

By Winyeemichelle

That age-old phrase that is uttered in every moment. Ah that ever-famous phrase. I settled at my desk and propped up my MacBook with all the intention of penning some anecdotes about this phrase but - and I won't lie here - I have all the intention (now) of chickening out. Let's see how it goes...
Human nature causes us to worry, to laugh, to be sad, nervous, scared and more. Sometimes all at the same time. I think we're nearly all in agreement that with the digital age comes a loss of tone and sense of self at times. Why not, aged 13, write confessions on MSN Messenger and pretend it was your friend who wasn't even at your house? Why not tell the bold truth and then say you sent it to the wrong number?
"I'm Asking For A Friend" is more often than not the preferred method of letting yourself down gently - right? Figuratively sharing your own scenario under the guise of any unsuspecting friend. But try to have a little more faith in yourself and confide in confidence. Say for instance*: I have a friend who stumbled into an odd sort of friendship 7 years ago. He was completely outside of her friendship group and we couldn't quite figure it out. They just clicked. They shared all the same interests and she spent all her time with him. But then it shifted and he wanted more. She didn't. And then the tables turned. And now she's stuck between a rock and a hard place: what's the protocol for best friends amped up to more? I'm asking for a friend.
Now it's your turn - tell me about a time that you've used this phrase as your weapon and shield of choice. It can be as small, big, simple or dramatic as you like!
* Insert aforementioned phrase here.

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