Wasn't even sure about her,
she sold out quick and
I just happened to snag her
a couple weeks later.
LOVE her!!
Yellow Gwen
Not sure what made me order her,
at first glance I didn't really
like her but I'm glad I got her!
Yellow Meris
GORGEOUS! I need the
blue and pink now!
Tan Mina
She took a bit of stalking, I was sent the
cognac instead of Tan, but finally
got the right color!
Orange Mulberry
Bought the tan last summer
I was so excited when they
were re-released, I grabbed
the orange!
Salmon Octavia
What can I say?
I love spikes!!!!
And there you have it! A handful of my favorite wedges! What is YOUR favorite wedge?
P.S. I've decided to do some random facebook giveaways on my page, so make sure you have it 'liked' and watch on the weekends for updates. I'll leave the giveaways open for 3-5hours so people get a chance to see them, they will be simple things like share the status, share the page, comment, etc.
Meris and Marguerite are from JustFab and Octavia, Mulberry, Mina, Penelope and Gwen are from Shoedazzle.