Animals & Wildlife Magazine

I Located a Honeybee Colony in My House and Had It Removed, Now What?

By Probestpest @ProBestPest

Most times if you located it early enough you are probably alright but if its been there for a long time you may have some issues.


Normally I ask questions and hope for the best but from time to time you never know what might happen. I’ve seen times when not only was there a distinct smell, but there was Wax Moths everywhere. I don’t know how they do it but they got into the house and were flying and flirting around in every room. So here are my tips:

  • Monthly checks of your home during Honeybee season – Africanized Honeybees swarm in Arizona as soon as it becomes warm and wills swarm right up to our mild winters.
  • If you see bees going in and out it is time to call a Pest Management Professional.
  • Keep an eye after the bees have been removed for any signs of leakage. The beeswax and honey will melt and secondary pests will come by for something to eat.
  • Leakage may be inside or outside, pay attention to smells and spotting on walls or ceilings.
  • Honey won’t mold but dead bees might so again pay attention to the smells.

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