Debate Magazine
"I Learned the Value of Hard Work by Working Hard." Margaret Mead
Posted on the 17 April 2012 by Humanwriter @roseforman
An interesting thought fluttered across my mind on the bus to work experience this morning, isn't the right to work a human right? Therefore, shouldn't the government be doing all they can to get us back into work? Then how come they have hindered all recent graduates chances of finding work by raising the pension age? You see, its a ripple effect, older workers are choosing to stay in work longer (in fact the government are encouraging older people to stay in work longer, presumably so they don't have to give them any of their hard earned money), which means that their subordinates will continue work in the lower ranks, which in turn means that there are less opportunities for graduates to join the work force in the first place. Many firms have scrapped their graduate programmes completely.My fear is that this recession will resolve itself and the organic circle-of-life of the workforce will fall back into place, however, then employers will look to hire new graduates and those of us who graduated in the interim years will be lost in the vacuum of unsatisfactory employment. Will the last few years graduates miss out on jobs altogether?
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