I just started reading “Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, & the Prison of Belief” by Lawrence Wright. If you never hear from me again until I’m discovered on a slave ship in the Gulf of Mexico, now you know why.
Seriously though, this book is going to be awesome.
“The ultimate goal of auditing is not just to liberate a person from destructive mental phenomena; it is to emancipate him from the laws of matter, energy, space, and time—or MEST, as Hubbard termed them. These are just artifacts of the theatan’s imagination, in any case. Bored thetans had created MEST universes where they could frolic and play games; eventually, they became so absorbed in their distractions they forgot their true immortal natures. They identified with the bodies that they were temporarily inhabiting, in a universe they had invented for their own amusement. The goal of Scientology is to recall to the thetan his immortality and help him relinquish his self-imposed limitations.”
This is seriously the premise for a novel I started writing earlier this summer, I’m not even lying.
(Above is a picture of L. Ron Hubbard’s granddaughter, Roanne Horwich, who allegedly just defected from Sea Org. SCANDAL ENSUED.)