I am feeling totally rock n' roll today! Specially with these MICHAEL Michael Kors pieces, with all the leather and studs. Totally in love with the red tote and the black heel booties. So have been humming Shiny disco balls since I saw these... here's another song that reflects my state of mind today.. not remembering who it is from, but here are the lyrics:
I'm a Rock Chick In a Hard Rock World
I'm a Rock Chick In a Hard Rock World..
And Nothing Rocks harder than a Rock Chick Girl
I'm a Rock Chick In a Hard Rock World...

I luv Rock n' Roll by stylescribbles featuring flat shoes

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£130 - houseoffraser.co.uk

£130 - houseoffraser.co.uk

£345 - harrods.com

$450 - net-a-porter.com

$498 - macys.com