Humor Magazine

I Dreamt That I Was Dreaming

By Pearl
Because it stuck in my head, dreaming this; and what is a blog if not an experimental site?
I dreamt that I was dreaming.
The waves pulled me out; and I was unafraid, the ocean vast, bottomless, as deep and meaningful as a kept promise.
I floated upright, arms extended, face lifted to the sky, where a bright white sun shone over the whole world.
Come out.
I dreamt that I was dreaming, of waves that pulled me out, pulled me under and then spat me toward the sky, up into the air, toward the sun, where I threw my arms up, flung my head back and laughed.
I landed, surrounded by water, unafraid.
And I knew that I was dreaming – and decided that if I were to awaken, I would allow the dream to continue rather than pause it, rather than keep it only for myself.

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