Priyanka Chopra who is famous not only in Bollywood but in Hollywood as well has been on cloud nine these days. The National Awardee was conferred with the fourth highest civilian award Padma Shri by Pranab Mukherjee on Tuesday.
Dressed in a lime green banarasi saree the desi girl looked extremely graceful. When asked if her responsibilities have been risen up with the award, the on screen Mary Kom said "I have always been very responsible towards my work and I take my work very seriously. I don't need an award to make me realize what my responsibilities are"
Padma Shri Priyanka wished if her father Ashok Chopra was alive to see her receive this award. Her mother accompanied her to Delhi as she receives the Padma Shri award at Rashtrapati Bhawan on Tuesday.
Priyanka Chopra who is quite busy with her Hollywood projects considers herself as a proud Indian. "I flaunt being an Indian. I teach people a lot about my own country. India is a little world in itself. No other nation in the world has such a diversification. There are not just different religions but different people every hundred miles" she said in a press conference held in Delhi after receiving the award.
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"I don't think the people know about Indians not at least as we really are. The world has a lot of stereotype with who we are, the way we talk, dress and behave. India is not only about meditation, yoga and spirituality but a lot more than that." she added.
When we LetUsPublish team asked about one friend from the Hindi film industry whom she would share her award with, Ms.Chopra took no name and said " I am a self made person. Nobody helped me in my career except my parents but I would like to thank the film makers whom I have worked with for believing in me and offering me the right roles"
This Kashibai will be occupied the whole year as she has a 6 months contract with the American TV show Quantico and her Hollywood film Bay Watch with Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron but she considers Bollywood films as her first love and said that she really misses doing Bollywood songs.