Celeb Magazine

I Don’t Get It

By Covethercloset @covethercloset
reese witherspoon atlanta hat covet her closet fashion celebrity gossip blog tends 2013 arrests how to free ship{Reese Wears an Atlanta Police Hat // Splash News ©}

Reese Witherspoon as arrested for public nuisance or whatever, and now she seems to be sporting a fake Atlanta PD hat.  What does this mean?  She seems intelligent.  So what is she doing?  2 options.  She is either truly repentant for her poor behavior and is wearing the hat as some sort of homage to the greatness of the Atlanta police department. Or. She is being a b. and flashing her celebrity in their face and trying to make them feel dumb.  I don’t know.  Frankly, who really cares?

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