Top of the Monday morning to you! We're finally back in Atlanta today after getting in early yesterday, grabbing the kids and then running home, unpacking, had a few friends over for dinner and got to bed somewhat early. I mean, it's a work week right? Actually- it's my last full week of work which is crazy to me because moving back to Chicago is coming up in already TWO weeks. Say what!?
I've been really trying to stay on top of so many things the last few weeks ( maybe that's how I got sick last week ) but never the less, my self doubts have really come into play hard core. My anxiety gets the best of me at times as I'm trying to juggle so many things at once. Packing, trying to make time to see friends before we leave, work, blogging, being there for my kids who still don't really understand what's going on, trying to get things set up for both kids when we officially move like daycare and pre-k and so much more.
And yet, I wanted to keep this Monday Mantra positive with you all so here's today's post.
Yup. It's so easy to doubt ourselves and it's so easy to let our minds run wild with thoughts of "you won't get this done" or " her Instagram stories are so much funnier and better than yours". It's so easy to fall into that trap that our thoughts can poison us.
We doubt so that we have 'what it takes to make it" but what does that mean? Sometimes we doubt because we're not smart or pretty enough or whatever and guess what- it's SO awful and there aren't enough hugs or therapist to help us with the conflict that we have upon ourselves.
I think so many of us go through this and I commend those that are open and honest about sharing their self doubts on their blog or social media. Bottom line is, we're all human. We're all self doubting in one way or another but how can we rise above it?
Say it with me right now..
You are worth more than your self-doubts.
and SO MUCH more. You are worth more than your fears or your anxiety or body shaming or your excuses. You have to believe it.
I have a few other posts about books I've read, great quotes to help you though or even look over a few more of my Monday Mantra posts to help you out.
What helps me out? Friends and family members that always are there no matter what. They refuse to give up on you and refuse to let you quit. These people are your link to keep yourself above water. Give yourself some grace and try to quit the negative thoughts.
You are worth it more than your self doubts. Plain and simple.
Get out there and say it to yourself in the mirror. Look yourself in the eye and repeat it 10 times. You'll believe it. You are more. You got this. You're a rockstar. You own your own power. Self doubts? Never. Self love? You have so much to give yourself so let's start today.