Another sign of mild dehydration is dull skin and hair. All of the exfoliating and moisturizing in the world will not help your skin tone if the cells are not renewing themselves the way they should. Water helps your blood flow more freely, which supports the elasticity and firmness of your skin, giving you a youthful, healthy glow that cannot be duplicated by anything you put on the outside of your skin.
Water also carries nutrients and oxygen through your blood to your organs and to your brain. So, staying well hydrated can improve your mood and help enhance your concentration. Water helps to lubricate your joints, making exercise more efficient and your recovery time a little quicker. Water carries away toxins and waste, which is important for keeping you healthy. The water in your body also helps to regulate your temperature, through your perspiration, which means that it needs to be replaced.

If you are not fond of the tap water in your area and do not want to contribute to the masses of plastic water bottles piling up in landfills, consider purchasing a water cooler such as those offered by Angel Springs to ensure that you always have a fresh supply of great tasting water to keep you hydrated and healthy.