
Human and Smart Device Interaction: Help Wanted

Posted on the 30 March 2020 by Francesco Lelli @francescolelli

The topic of human and smart device interaction touches everybody in their everyday life. Why do you like a particular smart device? Why do you choose that particular object?

Human and Smart Device Interaction: Help Wanted Human-Smart Device Interaction: click on the image and take the survey!

At a first look these questions look really obvious, to the point that they do not really need to be answered. However, “the obvious” is what most often shapes our behavior without us being aware of it. In particular, our relation with the objects around us, from an anthropological perspective, is what literally allowed us to become humans and helped us in interacting and modifying the surrounding environment.

This study intends to provide an introspective analysis of the way we approach the relationship we have with “things”. As a result, this study may foster a deeper understanding of ourselves and help us in prioritizing what we need, what we want and what we desire in life.

Dr. Heidi Toivonen and me decided to develop a multidisciplinary research on human-smart devices interaction that will try to answer some of these questions in a scientifically sound manner.  

In this respect we need your help! In particular, we are inviting you to take part in a little survey regarding your relationship with smart devices. In taking this survey, you will be able to reflect on how you relate to technology. At the same time you will be contributing to a study that aims to foster a deeper understanding of human interaction with personal smart devices that are becoming a more and more pervasive element of our everyday life. 
We sincerely appreciate your support and collaboration. 
Completing the survey will take you no more than 5 minutes.

Follow this link to the Survey:
Human-Smart Device Interaction

You are also welcome to extend this invitation to anybody you think may be interested in participating in this research. Please share this link and help us spread the voice!

Participate to a scientific #research that will #help #understanding the #interactive #relationships between #humans and smart devices. It takes only 5 minutes of your time! #IoT #HCI #psychology #AI #BigData
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You can contact us if you have any questions or feedback to share. In addition, if you have done work that you believe is relevant for this research, we look forward to learning from you! 
Thanks for your contribution to science!

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