
How Your Sleeping Position Affects Your Health

Posted on the 01 March 2020 by Nytimes

You already know a good night’s sleep is significant. Knew, though, that the role in which you sleep could affect your health? See how your favorite sleeping position will affect your wellbeing.

Sleeping on Your Back

Several research have shown you are at a greater risk of obstructive sleep apnea while lying on your back. It appears to be more linked, though, to those who have other risk factors for the disease, such as being overweight or having trouble sleeping on waking up. If you sleep on your back and wake up refreshed and without any symptoms, then your sleeping position will probably be good for you.

Sleeping on Your Side

Good news for those who love to sleep alongside you; this place does not come with many health problems. In fact, avoiding the neck and back pain can be a great place. If you sleep on your side and have daily neck or upper back pain, you may need to get a pillow or mattress that is more supportive. Sleeping on your left side can help those suffering from frequent heartburn.

Sleeping on Your Stomach

Sleeping on your stomach is probably the hardest place to lie in. Although some studies indicate that sleeping on the stomach can help with the prevention of digestion and sleep apnea, it can also cause a lot of spine problems. This may place extra strain on the lower back and trigger too many hours of turning the neck at an uncomfortable angle. The issue is that with your head down (like lying on a massage table) you can’t sleep on your stomach, so turning your head on either side puts your heart at risk.

Sleeping with a Partner

Sharing your bed with another will affect your health both for the good and for the worse. Those who slept with a snorer may have a more difficult time staying in a warm, restorative sleep. On the other hand, those who shared a bed with someone before snoozing and enjoyed cuddle time were more likely to be happier and have a better relationship.

The number of hours you sleep is not the only thing that’s important for the best quality of health. Pay attention to your sleeping place, too. Side sleepers have the greatest advantage for excellent sleep and improved health, with the only downside being the stomach sleepers.

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