It is without a shadow of a doubt officially race season! It's getting warmer, the day is far more inviting for training, plus some of these races are in gorgeous locations! I've just done my first triathlon for the season, but have many more to come. I also have a variety of running races to keep me occupied too, mainly as I'm desperate to build back up to a marathon distance. But why am I doing so many? Because I can't achieve without having a goal to focus on - ever find that yourself? My question is will it really focus you doing a race? Will it help you get to where you want to be? I'm going to discuss all of that in this post... plus there is an awesome competition at the bottom in collaboration with VitalityMove for you to run the epic Chatsworth House race!

I never thought after I crossed the finish line when I did my first 5k, I would have built up to run a marathon distance and also fallen in love with triathlon. I wasn't particularly sporty back then and I wasn't particularly great (which I'm still not fantastic now but I still want to try). You know why I keep doing races? It keeps me continually driving to achieve those set goals. Perhaps I will do the same distance as before, but I want to beat my time maybe? Or I might want to task myself with a whole new challenge after getting a taste for the race? The list is endless of reasons why, but my favorite by far, is checking off races in gorgeous locations and saying I've nailed them!

Often we can go to the gym and do our workout, go to work, come home, get up, go to the gym, go to work and so on. The hamster wheel of life as I call it. Don't get me wrong it's great you have a solid routine, as I too get up at 6am and do some sort of a HIIT session before I go to work. But where is the fun in it all if you always do the same? Are you simply training for trainings sake? Or have you got a goal? What are doing it all for? If it's purely for weight loss then even though you might think this doesn't apply to you - it does too! Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. That is what I'm talking about! If you do a set workout or the same fitness classes everyday, where is the fun? What is your body getting challenged with? Mixing up your training helps give variety and depth to your training session. If you were to add a 5k run into your workout because you were aiming for that distance race, just remember no run is the same regardless of distance. You might be running over the fields, or it could be hilly or perhaps it's a muddy run! This tests your body, something you don't always get if you continue to do exactly the same workout session.

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If you want to become fitter and stronger, you need something to push and inspire yourself with. Entering races will help - I assure you! Both my husband and I love training but we like training with a purpose. Don't get me wrong I love to go for a run just because I can, and whilst I like the element of spontaneity, I like a training plan to follow. It honestly doesn't matter how far or how much, giving yourself a goal works wonders on a both a level of physical and mental focus.
5 Steps To Racing
Where To Start?
1. LocationSo you're new to all this and don't know where to start? Using the web you can hunt out races local to you. I'd strongly suggesting doing a race close to home so it feels comfortable, the last thing you want on race day is to feel stressed about getting there.
2. Start SmallDon't go booking a crazy race to start with, begin small and build up. You're far more likely to give up if it's too unachievable. I.e. booking an ultra marathon for 3 months time when you haven't even run 5k.
3. Make a PlanI personally find if I write out a weekly timetable I feel far better and more focused on staying on track. There is an argument that it could become a chore, but if you're really into it then there is no harm.
4. Keep BookingCompleted one? Why not book the next? The idea is that you always have a goal to strive towards.Don't go booking loads too close together as it'll be an absolute nightmare to juggle and you'll probably end up resenting even booking in the first place!
5. Love it? Find A BuddyIf you like racing, it's so rewarding to do it with people. Why not join a local club. They aren't as scary as you might think. Lots of people join running clubs because they like to run and love to meet people. The best thing is that you can then go to races with like minded people, and surround yourself with goal driven people.
Have I convinced you? Well with that in mind why not enter my competition below to a place in the VitalityMove Chatsworth House Running Festival? I am giving away two places for your choice of either the 5k or 10k race on 7th July 2017.
a Rafflecopter giveaway