You might be a proud owner of a caravan but how proudly do you take its care while not in use? All caravan owners have this same issue with soring their vehicles. Such large vehicles are indeed difficult to store even in a regular sized garage. So what do you do when you are not in vacation? Your caravan is left to disuse gradually harming its condition.
There are certain things you an keep in check in order to ensure your vehicle's good condition.
Cleaning - Cleaning your caravan throughly is a good idea prior to storing it. Any amount of water, road-salt, sand, bird droppings can be harmful to its paint. Protect its interior during extended periods of disuse. Removing sheets, cushions and other fabrics is an effective way to prevent mould and mildew growth.
Tires - It necessary to determine the tire quality of your caravan at all times. By all times, it is meant that one should check the tire quality before and after a journey. This is not enough, proper care should be taken to extend life of tires while in storage. Inflate your tires to the maximum air level so that when you return to use, you do not find them flat.
Battery and electric - One of the leading causes of fire in caravans is the irregular checking of electrical components. There are certain things which should be kept in check while your caravan is in storage. Those are:
- Plugs and outlets should always be protected from water and adverse weather. This might mean that you have to hire an electrician top seal all the cables and sockets before your put your vehicle in any .
- Remove the battery before storing your caravan for extended periods of time. Batteries lose charge and can start corrosion if not used for a while. It is safe to store batteries in a temperature-controlled area or home.
Gas tank and coolant - A full gas tank will prevent moisture from getting trapped inside and putting extra strain on the valves. A fuel stabilizer is a good tool prevent corrosion in the fuel line and fuel separation. Topping off your coolant is another good way to keep your RV healthy in all climates.
Covering - Even if you are storing your vehicle in any storage facility, covering it with proper covers is always good. Depending on which kind of storage you are choosing, the covers might be weatherproof or breathable.
These are some guidelines for you so that you can take the best care of your caravan while it is not in use. Try renowned caravan storage in Bendigo and you can be rest assured that your caravan will stay in perfect condition.