Have you and your fiancé decided to write your own wedding vows? Are you unsure of how to get started? The following article will discuss how to write wedding vows. As well, we will provide you with examples of different types of wedding vows.
What are wedding vows?
They are a lifetime pledge to commit your heart and your life fully to your partner. You can use traditional vows or compose your own and speak from the heart.
Who says vows first – man or woman?
Traditionally, the groom will say his vows first. But the bride can go first or both can say the vows in unison. The order is not as important as the spoken vow itself. However, it is important to decide whom will go first before the ceremony, to avoid any awkwardness.
How Long Should Wedding Vows Be?
That is a very good question. Of course, you want to be able to express your love for your partner and you could probably go on for hours. However, it is wise to keep your vows to around two minutes max.
The wedding ceremony itself will probably run around thirty minutes including the blessing, the ring ceremony, etc. So both you and your partner should take about 2 minutes each for your vows to keep with the pace of the ceremony. Remember, you will have the rest of your lives together to express your love.
Wedding Vow Structure
When composing your wedding vows, the first thing to remember is that you should speak from the heart. However, trying to put this on paper might be challenging for some. Following is a guide for wedding vow structure to you overcome your fears and doubts. Keep in mind that this is a guide and you can alter it to make it more personal.
- Declare your love
Begin your wedding vows with a declaration of love for your partner. Tell them how much they mean to you, when you first fell in love with them and what they bring your life. You can use include a personal story about how you first met or the moment you first realized that he or she was the one for you.
Derrick, you are my best friend, my soulmate, my everything. I knew when I first saw you on the first day of University that you would be important to me…forever. You make me feel safe, secure and loved. I can’t wait to begin our lives together as husband and wife.
- State your promises and intentions
Next, you should promise to “love, honor and cherish” your partner for the rest of your lives. Of course, you can elaborate and make this part personal. Wedding vows don’t have to be all serious. You can, in fact, make them humorous. Just don’t include anything that will embarrass or humiliate your partner. Keep it light, but meaningful.
Be sure to include the ways in which you will care for your partner, how you will see them through good times and bad, how you will comfort and protect them and how you will love them unconditionally through whatever life brings your way. Finally, conclude your wedding vows by again stating your undying love for your partner.
Megan, I promise to love you until I take my last breath, to protect you from harm, to comfort you in your times of need, to dry your tears and calm your fears. I will cherish every moment we spend together. I can’t wait to start my life with you. I will love you more every day.
How To Write Wedding Vows: Tips
Writing your own vows can be daunting, but is something that you will remember forever. It will be one of the most special and personal parts of your wedding ceremony. Do not be afraid to ask for help or share your vows with a friend for their advice.
Following are some tips for writing vows:
- Early preparation is the key: You don’t want to wait until the night before your wedding to write your vows. Start as soon as possible as this will give you plenty of time to prepare. As well, it will ease your anxiety.
- Make a list: Start by making a list of the key points you want to include in your wedding vows. You don’t have to actually start writing them yet. Just jot down some phrases or thoughts that come to mind. Make an outline if it helps.
- Look for inspiration: Listen to love songs, watch romantic movies, read poetry and literature. Search for examples online. Feel free to use any of our examples in your wedding vows.
- Practice: You don’t want your vows to sound scripted, you want to speak freely from the heart, but you should have at least one dry run before the big day. Practice your vows in front of a mirror, record yourself and practice in front of a friend.
How To Start Wedding Vows
Source: thewoodedlane via Instagram

If you are still unsure how to start wedding vows, remember that you are speaking to the person with whom you are spending the rest of your life. Sure, your friends and family will hear you exchange your vows. But they are really only for you and your fiancé. Start off by telling them how much they mean to you. If you are both enjoy humor, you can start off with a joke, or include a funny story of you as a couple. Keep it personal and to the point.
Sara, we have known each other since we were toddlers. Our parents used to joke about us getting married, but we both thought they were crazy. Then one day, in our teens, I fell in love with you. And I knew at that moment that they were right.
Words Ending In Vow
Still, unsure of what you want to say in your vows to make them stand out? You could always include words ending in vow. “I make this my solemn vow” “Today I pledge my love to you in this sacred vow.” This will help give you some inspiration to use as a starting point.
Connor, I today I pledge my love eternal. I will love you every second of every day. My every thought shall be of you and our life together. I will love you until the day I die. Let this be my solemn vow!
Ways To Personalize Wedding Vows
Source:handmade.thaismelo via Instagram

Personalizing wedding vows is perhaps one of the best ways to make your vows memorable. You don’t just want to ramble on endlessly or sound as though you are reciting a rehearsed speech. Again, the key to writing your own wedding vows is to speak from your heart.
Following are some ways you can personalize your wedding vows. Don’t be afraid to be happy if you are a hopeless romantic. But we have also included some examples of non-sappy wedding vows quotes for him.
- Use humor: Start off with a funny story from your relationship, maybe about how you met. Again, you don’t want to embarrass your partner so if you are not sure whether they want you to share a certain story, you should ask them first.
- Use song lyrics: Do the two of you have a certain song that symbolizes your relationship? You can quote a line or two from that song in your vows and explain the significance of the lyrics.
- Use movie (or television) quotes: Are you both a fan of romantic movies? Do you have a favorite movie quote that sums up your relationship or is meaningful to you as a couple? Incorporate this into your vows. If you can’t think of a movie, you can quote a line from your favorite television show as a couple.
- Use literature: Are either of you poetry buffs? Quote a few lines from your favorite love poem. Or recite a passage from your favorite novel. Just make sure that is the line that your partner will understand.
If you are still stuck, you can search for vow quotes online, or paraphrase one of the examples we have provided in this article for inspiration.
I am nothing special; just a common man with common thoughts, and I’ve led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten. But in one respect I have succeeded as gloriously as anyone who’s ever lived: I’ve loved another with all my heart and soul; and to me, this has always been enough.
(Noah, The Notebook, Nicholas Sparks)
Traditional Wedding Vow Template
If you still need some help writing wedding vows you can always use traditional wedding vows as a starting point. Traditional vows are timeless and true. There is nothing wrong with using classic wedding vows to express your love for your partner.
Following is a template that contains some short traditional wedding vows.

Funny Surprise Wedding Vows
Source: allbyhandandco via Instagram

Who says wedding vows how to be serious? You can incorporate humor to your vows if you and your partner are both okay with it. Funny surprise wedding vows will make your day even more memorable. Discuss any personal stories you might wish to share with the beforehand so as not to embarrass them. But by all means, go ahead and make your partner (and your guests) laugh!
Here are some funny non-traditional wedding ceremony samples for your inspiration!
I promise not to hog the remote control or force you to watch chick flicks, unless I then agree to watch an action movie in exchange.
I promise to put the toilet seat down, listen to gossip about the neighbors and not to ignore you when the (insert favorite sports teams) are playing.
I promise not to hide when your parents come over. I vow not to steal the covers at night and not to turn the heat up too high.
Wedding Vows For A Long-Term Relationship
Source: helencelebrant via Instagram

If you have been dating for years and finally decided to tie the knot, you might not want to go with the traditional wedding vows. Or perhaps it’s your second marriage, and you want to use something unique and special for this marriage so as not to round either one of you your previous relationships.
Are you renewing your vows? Do you want to use something different for this special occasion? Click here for a simple vow renewal ceremony script.
Or do you just want your vows to be unique, so they don’t sound cheesy? Everyone wants their vows to be special, so don’t be afraid to think outside the box and be creative!
Following are some examples of wedding vows for a long-term relationship.
We have been together through thick and thin. We started dating in high school, stayed together while we both attended separate colleges and then spend a year pursuing our careers. Now, we are finally joining our lives together to live out everything we have planned for years. It was worth the wait, because we are going to have the perfect marriage and spend the rest of our days together as husband and wife.
Today, on our 25th wedding anniversary, I stand before the woman I have loved more than a quarter of a century. Even though we had some rough times, I would do it all over again. I love you more with every day and I want to spend the next 25 years of my life making you happy.
Today marks 50 years since we first said “I do.” We built a home together, raised our children and watched them raise theirs. We laughed, we cried, and we survived many hurdles together as a couple. As I look into your eyes, I still see the young man who was scared to ask me to the movies. I am so glad I said yes then and I will continue to say yes for the rest of our lives!
We hope that you have found some inspiration and guidance on with our advice on how to write wedding vows. Remember, these are your wedding vows so don’t let anyone else influence you. Speak from the heart and you will be fine!