
How to Win a Photography Contest in a Flash

Posted on the 19 January 2021 by Sandeep Malik
How to Win a Photography Contest in a Flash

Thanks to the power and influence of Instagram, photography contests are everywhere these days. Photo contests are the perfect marketing tool for retailers and consumers alike. They provide excellent publicity to businesses and incredible prizes to consumers. Companies love to offer engaging sweepstakes because they allow them to see how fans respond to products and services and a chance to gain more followers. Fans love photo contests because they provide a creative way to win free goods from their favourite brands!

Have you recently entered a photo contest but didn't get as far as you had hoped? While you don't have to be a professional photographer to enter such giveaways, it helps to understand how online contests in Canada - and worldwide - work. Read on to learn a few pertinent tips that will inch you closer to that winning prize!

Understand the Rules

The most important thing to know about entering online giveaways is to read the rules. Read them once and then a few times more. If you make even one little error in the submission, your entire entry might be discarded for failing to meet the requirements. Double-check for things such as submission deadlines, entry format, whether or not you must post in your Instagram stories or tag a friend - every little detail counts.

Pay Attention to the Contest's Theme

You may discover a contest from your favourite clothing store requesting participants to submit a photo conveying New Year's resolutions. The winner will receive a $500 gift card to use in-store or online. To win this type of contest, remember to stick with the New Year's resolution theme. Even if you send in the most beautiful photo of yourself wearing an outfit from the store, if it doesn't convey the specified theme, then you're out of the giveaway. If you're unclear about specifics, don't be afraid to inquire about it in the comments. The company's social media or publicity person will be more than happy to respond to your question.

Stand Out from the Crowd

Okay, so you're not exactly applying for a prestigious art school, but you still want to maintain individuality and be creative with your contest image. You want to win, so it's crucial to stand out from other contestants. For example, are you hoping to win a gift certificate from a preferred grocery store? If the rules tell you to capture your favourite meal using their ingredients, instead of taking a boring photo of food, recreate a famous dining scene from a movie or a television show. You'll stand out and increase your chances of winning the prize.

Enter Multiple Contests

To enhance your chances of winning, enter several online photo contests. Keep your eye out for the best online giveaways to enter, and sooner than later, you'll be raking in those winnings.

The other piece of advice is never to doubt your photographic abilities. Keep practicing, pay attention to the hottest online contests, and enter your work. The more you practice, the better you'll become. Who knows, with all your practice winning incredible prizes, you might also decide to apply for that prestigious art school after all!

How to Win a Photography Contest in a Flash

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