Spirituality Magazine

How To Wear Red Coral Gemstone (Moonga)?

By Sanjeev Chaudhary @9GemDotCom
How To Wear Red Coral Gemstone (Moonga)?How To Wear Red Coral Gemstone (Moonga)?

Red Coral stone represents the Planet Mars and also called Praval or Moonga stone. It is a hot gem. This beautiful Red coral gemstone found in the deep oceans of Italia and Japan.

A man having favors of Mars will have free considerations, great landed and immovable property. He will have accomplished in aggressive exams; will have the love for work, clever and sharp minds. He will also have great strong quality.

According to Astrology, In Indian crystal gazing, Moonga stone strengthens Mars (Mangal) and is the Rashi Ratna for Aries (Mesh) and Scorpio (Vrishchik).

Red Coral stone bestows the powers of Mars on its wearer and brings him strength, stamina, certainty and well being. Ascendants of Sagittarius, Pisces, Leo, and Cancer can also wear a Red Coral gemstone.

The serious Manglik dosh and mangal dosha causes due to the presence of the planet Mars in problematic houses of your birth chart. However, to avert ill-effects caused due to the planet Mars. One should wear a red coral stone.

The Origins and Significance of Red Coral

Red Coral is a precious gemstone formed from the skeletal remains of marine organisms called coral polyps. These polyps cluster together to form vibrant coral reefs, primarily found in the Mediterranean Sea, the Pacific Ocean, and the Red Sea. The gemstone’s rich red hue is attributed to the presence of carotenoid pigments.

Astrologically, Red Coral is associated with Mars, the god of war in Roman mythology. Mars governs our drive, energy levels, and determination. Therefore, Red Coral is believed to imbue the wearer with courage, strength, and vigor, making it a popular choice for those seeking to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.


Benefits of Wearing Red Coral

Red Coral is renowned for its array of physical, mental, and spiritual benefits:

1. Boosts Confidence and Courage: The energy of Mars can help the wearer face challenges head-on, fostering a sense of self-assurance and bravery.

Enhances Physical Strength: It is believed to invigorate the body, increasing stamina and endurance.

2. Improves Mental Clarity: Red Coral can help make quick decisions and maintain mental balance during stressful times.

Promotes Healing: It is thought to support the circulatory system, reduce inflammation, and aid in overcoming blood-related disorders.

3. Protection from Negativity: The gemstone is said to guard against evil eye, negative energy, and black magic.

4. Encourages Prosperity: By boosting one’s efforts and persistence, Red Coral can attract success and financial gain.

Selecting the Right Red Coral

Choosing the right Red Coral is crucial to harnessing its full benefits. Here are some key factors to consider:

  1. Authenticity: Ensure that the gemstone is natural and untreated. Synthetic or dyed corals do not possess the same astrological benefits.
  2. Color: The ideal Red Coral is uniformly colored, blemish-free, and exhibits a deep red hue. Pale or unevenly colored corals are considered less effective.
  3. Shape and Size: The gemstone should be well-formed, with a smooth surface and no cracks. A carat weight between 5 to 12 carats is commonly recommended for astrological purposes.
  4. Source: Mediterranean Red Coral is often preferred for its superior quality.

Astrological Consultation

Before wearing Red Coral, it is advisable to consult with a knowledgeable astrologer. They can analyze your birth chart to determine if Red Coral is suitable for you, as wearing the wrong gemstone can potentially have adverse effects. The astrologer will also recommend the appropriate weight and specific rituals for wearing the gemstone based on your planetary alignments.

Buy Natural Red Coral
Buy Natural Red Coral

How to Wear Red Coral: The Ritual

Wearing Red Coral involves a specific ritual to activate its energies. Follow these steps to ensure you harness the gemstone’s full potential:

1. Purification: Purify the gemstone to remove any negative energies it may have absorbed. Soak the Red Coral in a mixture of raw milk, honey, and Gangajal (holy water) for at least 30 minutes. You can also use a mixture of water, turmeric, and raw cow milk.

2. Day and Time: The ideal time to wear Red Coral is on a Tuesday morning, during the Shukla Paksha (the waxing phase of the moon). Tuesday is associated with Mars, amplifying the gemstone’s effects.

3. Metal Setting: Red Coral is typically set in gold or copper. A ring or pendant setting is preferred, with the gemstone touching the skin to maximize its benefits. Ensure the setting is open-backed to allow direct contact with your skin.

4. Mantra Recitation: Before wearing the gemstone, recite the Mars (Mangal) mantra 108 times to invoke the planet’s blessings. The mantra i

(Om Kraam Kreem Kraum Sah Bhaumaya Namah)

5. Wearing the Gemstone: Place the ring on the ring finger of your right hand (for right-handed individuals; left-handed individuals can wear it on their left hand). If it’s a pendant, ensure it rests close to your heart.

6. First Offering: Light a diya (lamp) and offer some flowers, incense, and sweets to Mars (Mangal). Seek blessings for courage, strength, and protection.

Daily Care and Maintenance

To maintain the potency and appearance of your Red Coral, follow these care tips:

  1. Regular Cleaning: Clean your Red Coral periodically with a soft cloth and mild soapy water. Avoid using harsh chemicals or ultrasonic cleaners, as they can damage the gemstone.
  2. Avoid Exposure: Keep your Red Coral away from extreme temperatures, direct sunlight, and chemicals like bleach or chlorine.
  3. Physical Activities: Remove the gemstone while engaging in vigorous physical activities to prevent scratches or damage.
  4. Recharging: Periodically recharge your Red Coral by placing it in moonlight during the full moon or soaking it in water and rock salt for a few hours.


Integrating Red Coral into Daily Life

Beyond the ritualistic wearing, there are several ways to integrate the energies of Red Coral into your daily life:

  1. Meditation: Meditate with your Red Coral to enhance your focus, reduce stress, and strengthen your inner resolve. Hold the gemstone in your hand or place it on your third eye during meditation.
  2. Affirmations: Use affirmations while wearing your Red Coral to reinforce positive thoughts and intentions. Phrases like “I am confident and courageous” or “I am protected and guided” can amplify the gemstone’s effects.
  3. Jewelry: Incorporate Red Coral into your everyday jewelry pieces, such as rings, pendants, or bracelets. This allows you to carry its protective and empowering energies with you throughout the day.
  4. Home Décor: Place Red Coral stones in strategic locations around your home or workspace to create an environment of positivity and protection.

Potential Side Effects and Precautions

While Red Coral can offer significant benefits, it is essential to be aware of potential side effects and precautions:

  1. Aggressiveness: Excessive Mars energy can sometimes lead to increased aggression, impatience, or irritability. Monitor your behavior and emotions after wearing Red Coral, and consult an astrologer if you notice any negative changes.
  2. Overstimulation: If you feel overly energized or restless, try removing the gemstone temporarily and observe if your condition improves.
  3. Compatibility: Ensure that Red Coral is compatible with other gemstones you may be wearing. Some gemstones can counteract each other’s effects, reducing their overall benefits.

Wearing Red Coral is a powerful way to harness the dynamic energies of Mars and bring about significant positive changes in your life. By selecting an authentic gemstone, performing the proper rituals, and integrating it mindfully into your daily routine, you can enjoy enhanced confidence, protection, and prosperity. Remember to consult with an experienced astrologer to ensure that Red Coral is right for you and to receive personalized guidance on its use.

Incorporating Red Coral into your life is not just about wearing a beautiful gemstone; it is about embracing the transformative energies it offers and allowing them to guide you towards a path of courage, strength, and success. With the right approach and a respectful attitude towards its power, Red Coral can become a valuable ally in your journey towards personal and spiritual growth.

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