Clothes, accessories, shoes… Do you ever buy second-hand items? Has it ever occurred to you that they can contain negative energy? Well, guess what, it is! Reason for which, an energy cleaning is essential. A subject that may seem somewhat incongruous, but which still requires a sifting!
Going to a thrift store to buy second-hand items makes many people happy, it’s cheaper, original and above all eco-responsible. But should we still think about getting rid of the bad energies they contain?
Why perform a rite of purification of second-hand objects?
Our purchasing power is falling more and more, which explains why second-hand items have been so successful in recent years. However, it turns out that these clothes and furniture continue to “carry” the energy of their former owners and that this may interfere with our aura. In other words, going through the washing machine before wearing them is far from enough, and if the object contains negative energy, it can be transmitted to the new owner and harm him. This “heaviness” could be the cause of physical or mental discomfort: dizziness, fear or panic. Indeed, referring to the art of Feng Shui, it is customary for the internal energy of a person to be absorbed by the objects he owns. Hence the importance of disconnecting this power in order to separate it from its former owner. That said, people who are experienced in this field and who are highly intuitive can feel the energy emanating from a used object just by holding it in their hands for a while while being focused.
Shopping at a thrift store. Source: spm
It should be noted that second-hand clothes or other objects do not always contain negative energy, but since we do not know their origin and in order to avoid any confusion, it is important to get rid of them. So here are some simple ways to achieve this.
Eliminate any energy from second-hand items with sunlight
Before purifying, the first (and most important) method is to expose the purchased items to the sun for a whole day so that they can air out.
Clean used items with salt
Salt is your number 1 ally to eliminate bad vibes, it works as much for your second-hand items as for your home. In a basin of water, pour 1 to 2 tablespoons of salt and soak your second-hand clothes in itleave on for a few hours before rinsing them off.

Bowl filled with salt. Source: spm
Purify second-hand items with ammonia
Whether you bought shoes or clothes from a thrift store, ammonia is one of the most effective methods for energetically cleaning these items. For your shoes, just soak a cloth in ammonia, sprinkle salt on it, and wipe it down a few times. Regarding clothes, as with the salt trick, mix ammonia and salt in a basin filled with water and place your clothes there for a few hours, then rinse them with clean water.
Use holy water to energetically clean second-hand items
Demagnetize your second-hand clothes and rid them of any old energy by soaking them for hours in a basin containing a mixture of cold water and 20 ml of holy water.

Holy water. Source: spm
As you will have understood, the next time, before carrying your new second-hand luxury bag, thinking you have made a good deal, think first of all to purify it energetically.
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