How to use the weather channel app? That’s exactly what I’ll be explaining in this piece. But before that let’s go back a couple of decades.
Back in the ’90s, checking the weather wasn’t as easy as it is now. In fact, in even earlier times, there wasn’t anything called “weather forecast” either.
But fast forward a couple of years and we invented the thing. But even then, we had to turn our TVs on and wait hours for the exact time when the weather was forecasted on the television.
And it wasn’t as “broad” as today either, the forecast covered only the next day or a maximum of the next week of weather predictions.
But today it isn’t the case anymore, we know how the weather will be a year from today, and we don’t have to turn our TVs on for that. Instead, smartphones have wrapped the whole world and put in the grasp of our palms.

What Is The Weather Channel App?
The weather channel app is a weather channel mobile application, exactly what the name suggests. It’s an app that lets you check the current weather of any place, anytime along with some other features and timelines.
In other words, you can take it to be the weather alert app, which notified you if you’re bound to run into some weather problems anytime soon.
How To Use The Weather Channel App?
Well, there are quite a number of other mobile weather channel apps out there, but the one we will be talking about is a specific one, and it’s the official app from the National and Local weather service.
“The Weather Channel”. Download it free for Android devices here.
Let’s discuss in detail how to utilize this weather channel radar to our maximum benefit.
Once you download the app, you can fire it up. The welcome screen would automatically pull your precise location and the weather for the location.

Scroll down a bit, and you’d get the following screen:-

- You can clearly see the current temperature on this screen.
- Wind:- This is the wind speed at your place. It’s calculated in MPH.
- The sun icon:- There’s a small icon with a curve and the sun somewhere on the curve, the curve denotes the times of the day. The current position of the sun gives you an idea of what time is it at your place.
- Humidity:- I don’t need to define humidity here I’m sure of it.
- Dew point:- This is the atmospheric pressure at your place below which water would start condensing and dew formation would start.
- UV Index:- This is why I use the weather channel app most. UV Index is the measurement of the sun’s harmful radiations. In other words, if this reading is 6+ it means the sun rays will burn your unprotected skin, but you can wear clothes and sunglasses to protect yourself. Above 7 it might cause a number of different skin irritations which might even turn fatal, so it’s not advisable to get out of your residence even with clothes on if it’s 7+. (It’s rare).
Hourly Predictions:-
Let’s say you’re planning an afternoon outdoor picnic lunch, or maybe camps for the night? It’s good to be prepared right?
That’s what you’ll get if you scroll further down.

This screen has some basic icons to illustrate and explain things better:-
- Time:- This is the time of the day for which the app is predicting the data.
- Cond:- This column consists of icons. They’re used to show what kind of overall weather condition the place will have at the specific time. (Eg. Sunny/cloudy/ night etc).
- Precip:- It’s a complex term but the simplest way I can explain this is that it’s the amount of “water” or “liquid” elements in the atmosphere. It covers multiple elements like rain, drizzle, graupel, etc.
- Wind:- And finally the last column shows the wind speed.
Daily Predictions:-
Below the hourly section, there’s the daily prediction as well. It consists of basic details on the welcome screen, that’s only the temperatures for every day.
But if you tap on the “Daily” text, it will take you to the next screen which holds every bit of information you might ever need on the weather.

The screen holds small tabs for each day. Each tab has the following data:-
- Icon to explain the aerial environment of the day as well as the night. (Condition of the sky).
- We also get the highest possible temperature for the “daytime” and the lowest possible for the night.
- On the right side of the tab, in a very small but intelligent interface, you get all the other details, including:-
- Temperature
- Wind Speed
- Precipitation
Other Interesting And Important Data:-
Severe Weather Alerts:- It automatically updates you if there’s any chance of a server weather condition like a storm or a tornado.
Real-Time Lightning Alerts:- It pulls in your GPS data and gives you real-time information of where exactly lightning strikes.
Pollen Alerts:- As if the weather information wasn’t enough, they even added a “pollen alert” for us. It’ll most probably not affect your day plans, but if you’re allergic to pollen or something, this might come in handy.
Radar & Weather Maps:-
They have an integrated map and radar, which gives you precise weather information about your location including Water temperature, wind speed, snow cover, and what not!

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Final Words:
So that was all I had on How to Use The Weather Channel App folks. Hope this piece helped. Although if you’re wondering, they also got a weather channel mobile site and a weather channel widget to help out get real-time and future weather data.
Do let me know your experience on this piece, also if you’ve got any doubts or questions regarding the Weather channel app, free free to pour them out in the comment box below and I’ll try my best to answer them to my best knowledge.
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