Low blood pressure or low blood pressure, also known as hypotension, occurs when the blood pressure drops below normal, meaning that the heart, brain, and other parts of the body cannot get enough blood, ideally blood pressure , Should be less than 120/80 (systolic / diastolic), less than 90 mm Hg for systolic and less than 60 mm Hg for diastolic is considered low BP. Although there are no specific symptoms of BP being low, but both dizziness and fainting are the main symptoms of low BP, these symptoms are the most common.
What is Low Blood Pressure?
In today's race and stressful life, complaining of blood pressure is common. Dizziness, dark eyes, cold feet, fainting for a few moments, changes in blood pressure levels in lying down, standing and sitting, are all low blood pressure problems, often people do not take it seriously. Whereas due to low blood pressure, blood pressure in the body is not able to reach the required blood, which hinders their functioning. In such a situation, the heart, kidney, lungs and brain can stop working partially or completely.
According to Ayurveda, Vata, Pitta and Kapha Dosha are considered responsible for low blood pressure. Although low blood pressure is not a disease in itself, but it can be a sign of some serious body disease such as heart disease, nervous system disturbances, low blood pressure is not a problem for some people, but In some cases low blood pressure can be life-threatening. In such a situation, it should not be ignored.
Causes of low blood pressure
There are many reasons for lowering blood pressure, but it is difficult to treat until the exact cause is known.
Anemia - Sometimes blood loss in the body causes low blood pressure, due to internal bleeding due to any major injury, there is sudden blood loss in the body, which leads to low blood pressure.
Weakness and nutritional deficiency - Nutritional deficiency and weakness is a major cause of low blood pressure, due to lack of necessary nutrients, the body cannot make enough red blood cells, which causes low blood pressure.
Heart disease- If there is any type of heart related problem, blood pressure can be low, so during this time you need to take special precautions.
Lack of water- Due to lack of water in the body, you often feel weakness, lack of water causes not only low blood pressure, but also other health related problems including fever, vomiting, diarrhea etc.
Pregnancy - In women, there may be a problem of low blood pressure during pregnancy because at this time the circulatory system increases rapidly and the blood pressure decreases.
Medications - Taking high blood pressure medications, heart problems, Parkinson's disease, depression pills or painkiller medicines too much can cause BP. Sexual enhancing drugs, such as people taking Viagra, may have a dangerously low BP.
Dehydration - It happens to the housewife or the poor because people do not drink water when they are thirsty and do not eat food when they are hungry, people who do not eat food when they are hungry and do not drink water when they are thirsty and they are slowly starving and living lovingly Due to this, our intestines also work slowly, due to which our liver is greatly affected and the substance inside our body becomes weak and blood pressure is low.
Acidity - Due to acidity, blood pressure is also low because when acidity is produced inside our stomach due to which there is heat inside our intoxication and there is a mild fever and there is a lot of pain inside our stomach too. The heat becomes hot due to which the water of our body gets burnt. Due to which our veins become weak and due to that weakness, there is a deficiency of glucose insurance calcium protein vitamin minerals inside our body.
Causes of diseases
If you have some other health related problems like diabetes, thyroid, addiction diseases etc., then you may be a patient of low blood pressure, apart from dizziness, dengue, tension, shock, fear, infection etc. This problem can occur even if it is.
Scientists say that two out of 10 people are those whose blood pressure is reduced due to stress or anger. In such a situation, paralysis may attack and even death. According to a research, scientists say that blood pressure usually increases during anger. But some people also have lower blood pressure.
In general, when you suddenly feel extremely weak or have symptoms such as dizziness, low blood pressure can occur, but mainly fatigue, depression, nausea, thirst, pale skin, body cold, half-hearted and sharp. Breathing, chest pain, irregular heartbeat, high fever, neck stiffness, vomiting and diarrhea may also occur if there is prolonged low blood pressure problem, fainting, excessive fatigue, blurring for some time or something. Non-appearance etc. are the main symptoms of low blood pressure.
Prevention Tips for Low Blood Pressure
It is better to adopt timely precautions to avoid the risk of low blood pressure. For this, it is very important to change lifestyle and diet.
- If you have low BP problem, never wake up with a jerk. There is a risk of dizziness and fall. Always change your posture slowly.
- Avoid taking untimely and heavy diet, it reduces BP because in such a situation the blood flow to the digestive system is fast but its speed in other parts of the body slows down. This makes a person feel lethargic. In case of low BP problem, you should reduce the amount of carbohydrate rich foods like potatoes, rice, pasta and bread etc. in your diet.
- Tension can also increase and decrease blood pressure, so stress can also be the cause of low blood pressure. Regularly include green leafy vegetables in your diet, in addition to fruits like banana, watermelon, pomegranate and grapefruit. Regular intake of beet juice also keeps blood pressure balanced. Increase the amount of liquids such as juice, buttermilk, shikanji and lassi in your diet and drink plenty of wate
- -Avoid fasting during low blood pressure and do not remain empty stomach for long. Eat little every hour. Eating little by little at intervals of three hours is good.
- Avoid bathing with too much hot water, due to which the temperature of the body may increase.
- Get enough sleep for 6-8 hours, as fatigue also causes low BP.
- People who are already taking high BP medicine, stop eating the medicine.
- Drink at least eight glasses of water and other drinks daily.
- Reduce the amount of carbohydrates in food.
- Increase the amount of salt in the food.
- If blood pressure decreases after eating, then eat small amounts. Instead of eating more than three times a day, eat small amounts of six times. Take a little rest after eating.
- Reduce the amount of carbohydrates in food.
- There are some foods and drinks that increase blood pressure immediately. The best thing is that you do not need to find them somewhere, you will find them in your kitchen. If you feel that your blood pressure is low and you are feeling weak, then drink half a cup of strong coffee. This will increase blood pressure immediately.
- Include whole grains, fruits, vegetables and fish in your diet.
Home remedies for low blood pressure
In order to get rid of the problem of low blood pressure, home remedies are usually adopted first.
Caffeine intake beneficial in low blood pressure
Tea or coffee like caffeine helps to increase blood pressure. A cup of coffee or tea helps to normalize blood pressure when your blood pressure suddenly drops.
Basil leaves help in lowering blood pressure. By sucking five to six basil leaves every morning, blood pressure becomes normal. Basil leaves contain high levels of potassium, magnesium and vitamin C which help in controlling your blood pressure. Tulsi contains an antioxidant called eugenol which keeps blood pressure under control and lowers cholesterol levels.
Put 50 grams of native gram and 10 grams of raisins in 100 grams of water in a glass vessel overnight. In the morning, chew the gram well with raisins and drink it. Only raisins can be used.
Low blood pressure can be beneficial for carrot and spinach juice. For this, drink about 200 grams of carrot juice mixed with one fourth spinach juice.
By adding salt, roasted cumin and asafetida to the buttermilk, keeping it intake also keeps blood pressure under control and helps to keep the pressure in normal state.
Taking cinnamon powder with lukewarm water daily can also benefit you in this problem, for this use it in the morning and evening.
Amla juice
Today, in the changing lifestyle, people have started having problems of high blood pressure and low blood pressure. There is an option to take medicines for patients with high BP, but for those with low BP, no medicine has been made to control BP. In such a situation, it is controlled only through home remedies. You too must have heard and read that if BP is consumed immediately, if chocolate, coffee is consumed, then it becomes right. But this is not a permanent treatment for this serious disease. There is a very good treatment for this in Ayurveda (ayurvedic treatment of low blood pressure), through many household things you can control low BP. Of course these tips will prove to be very effective. They will also be useful in rooting out your disease. So know how the problem of low BP will end from the root. Thaw 32 raisins in 150 grams of water in a sugar pot. After 12 hours, take them out of the water and chew each Kishmiya 32 times in the morning. Eating 32 raisins for 32 days can eliminate this problem from the root. By doing this for one month, this problem will be eradicated from the root.
- Take equal amount of Amla juice and honey and lick it. Weakness of heart also goes away.
- Grind almonds finely and use with milk, BP becomes normal.
- The best medicine to control BP in Ayurveda is cinnamon and jaggery. Make cinnamon powder. Make a decoction by adding half a teaspoon of cinnamon and jaggery to half a glass of water. Drink it on an empty stomach in the morning. By doing this continuously for 2-3 months, the disease will disappear completely.
- Pomegranate juice is also very beneficial in removing BP's disease. All you have to do is add a little salt to the pomegranate juice and drink it in the morning. If not pomegranate, add salt to sugarcane juice and drink it in the morning. Do this continuously for 2-3 months. The disease will be completely controlled.