Business Magazine

How To Stop Worrying and Start Living

By Divstkforcomman @DivStkForComMan

Welcome back to Dividend Stock Investing for the Common Man! I appreciate you interest in my blog and hope you are reaping the benefits of Dividend stock investing. I not only enjoy providing you, the reading, with dividend stock analysis, but also life tips on how to better yourself and stay happy and healthy.
I wanted to go ahead and post this great 9 part series from YouTube called How To Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie. This audio book deals with fundamental emotions and ideas. It is fascinating to listen to and easy to apply to your own life. Let it change and improve you. There's no need to live with worry and anxiety that keep you from enjoying a full, active and happy life. Your finances and overall health should be the two most important aspects of life. Keep them both healthy and like a fine tooled machine.
Each video below is read by Andrew MacMillan. If you like the audio below and it helps you stop worrying and start living a better life then you owe it to Dale Carnegie to purchase the book from Click on the link below.
99% percent of the things we worry about never happen! Don't let a bad day in the market get you down. Rid your life of worrying. Our trouble is not ignorance, but inaction. We must glorify the great things in life. Enjoy and have a great weekend! Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9

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