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How to Speed Up Your Essay Writing Skills?

Posted on the 27 April 2020 by Witselx9

Are you a writer or planning to become one? Essay writing has always been a challenge for many students. Students cannot escape from academic assignments, which require a lot of writing. Academic essay writing is a practice that anyone can learn by understanding the basics of writing papers. However, you need to follow some tips that will enhance your speed of writing.

Make the introduction and conclusion robust.

An introduction is usually the first paragraph of every writing; it determines whether readers will have the interest to continue reading or do away with your article. It acts as a "hook" that grabs your audience's attention to the item. A right hook may include a rhetorical question, interesting fact, share an anecdote, etc. about your topic. The objective of the introduction is to give an insight into what readers can expect in your paper. A practical introduction must show your subject question, offer essential background information, and give your specific focus in the essay. In case your article has a thesis, include your clear thesis statement at the end of your introduction. Professional writers from produce quality work for any kind of writing. A conclusion works to offer a recap of the main points in your essay and provide a summary of what you would expect your audience to take from the discussion. You can rephrase the thesis statement to give a reminder to your readers on what your paper entails. A firm conclusion gives a sense of finality to your paper and places your information in a broader background. In conclusion, avoid discussing new information that is not in your paragraphs or unrelated to your topic. In the end, consider a statement that shows the significance of your argument.

Plan Your Time.

How much time is available until the deadline for submitting your paper? Time is a very crucial factor in every task you undertake and is no different in essay writing. In most cases, students find themselves not meeting deadlines; time management can help you finish your assignment on time before the deadline. Planning is the most crucial step in the essay writing process to produce a flawless essay. Redistribute the amount of time you have throughout every stage in your essay composition. Spend at least twenty percent of the time on developing an outline of your paper. When writing the body paragraphs, give yourself at least fifty percent of the time since the body requires a lot of concentration to provide enough and credible content. Avoid spending much time on a single issue. Also, when writing your paper, start with the essential points since they will give you more score. Remember, revision is crucial; so, ensure to set enough time for it. When revising, pay more attention to the essay structure, the thesis statement, and critical ideas in each paragraph.

How to Speed Up Your Essay Writing Skills?

Read Your Essay Question.

Have you ever written an academic paper out of context? It is a waste of time resources when you write something that doesn't discuss the subject question at hand. Reading your essay question is the very first crucial step in essay writing. The essay question is the main topic and backbone of your essay; every idea that you will write in your paper originates from it. Spend about five minutes reading and adequately understand your essay question; while reading, generate some answers from the topic within your mind. Also, you can consider to put down ideas that come to mind when reading the question. If you are uncertain of finishing your assignment, visit WriteMyEssayForMe to get a quality essay by a professional writer. By doing that, you can generate enough content to write. Avoid vague reading since you may need to go back every time you want to write a new paragraph; you may spend a lot of time shaping the paper's body, thus not meeting the deadline. You cannot effectively research unless you read and understand your topic.

Follow a Standard Structure.

Every academic paper you write should not seem like a new invention; you are not trying to redefine how people use the English language. Successful essay structure works to effectively fulfill assignment instructions and ensure it impresses your reader or examiner. The basic structure of an essay contains three main components apart from the topic: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. However, sometimes another component comes in the structure when your professor requires bibliography/citations; you need to include references on a separate page after your conclusion. You need to map your essay in a way that the ideas are easy to follow. Besides being a framework for organizing your content, the essay structure is the best way to reach out to your audience. The outline of body paragraphs may vary depending on the essay type, but the standard layout remains the same for all essays. To avoid being caught up in the structure, look at the readings, your tutor assign to the class. The reading assignments should give you an idea about what the professor expects from the essay.

How to Speed Up Your Essay Writing Skills?

Draft and Edit Separately.

It is almost impossible to do simultaneous editing and drafting in your work; our brains cannot multitask and produce quality output. Drafting is all about letting words flow out while editing requires discipline to eliminate errors and unnecessary wording. The best option is to focus on writing and edit your work later since drafting and editing require different skills. When you want to get enough ideas, brainstorming is the most effective way to achieve that; the goal of drafting is to get ideas out. However, there are ways to generate a usable, counterproductive, and quality draft quickly. First, use clear and easy-to-read short and meaningful sentences; list the sentences with bullets or numbers. Second, use key topic sentences that express specific ideas in paragraphs. Also, use transition phrases such as moreover, furthermore, besides, etc. to connect your ideas and show the flow of content from paragraph to another. In case of difficulties in drafting, you can buy pre-written essays at Essay Kitchen to learn more about drafting your academic papers. After writing, now you have to edit your work. Read through your content, pick up common errors, and correct them; also, eliminate unnecessary use of words. Unlike writing, which may need privacy, in editing, you can allow your knowledgeable friends to read your work and highlight errors they encounter.

Academic essay writing is a daunting experience especially for students who are trying to balance personal life and academic assignments. Most students find it challenging to meet academic deadlines because they have to attend to many papers; they wonder how to take their writing speed and skills to the next level. However, if you follow the above tips, you can enhance your writing skills and produce quality papers fast.

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