Windows applications demand dll files to operate. Usually, all these dll files are from the DirectX packages and Windows updates or various software program setups. In the next few sections we’ll show you how to correct the D3dx9_43.dll error message if it happens after having a software or computer game installation.
When you get a D3dx9_43.dll error while running a video game or an software, then look at the following methods for it. At first, let’s start with simple solutions and later we can go to more complex ones. Let’s hope the simple suggestions will resolve this issue, otherwise, we will have to proceed through the tricky ones.

Reboot Your Computer Or Laptop
While the simplest solution, restarting your PC normally repairs the D3dx9_43.dll error message. It might be the situation that the program isn’t sometimes running on the first run. Once you install a computer software or computer game it is highly recommended to reboot your computer after the installation completes. This is an excellent way to avoid this error message. However, if the straightforward fix doesn’t help, you have to try this option.
Verify the Edition of DirectX
Microsoft DirectX is the software package by Windows to install the dll files. Most of these computer files are to be previously installed on the Microsoft windows. Therefore, every so often you may notice that a brand new DirectX release has been launched. The DirectX is upgrade of dll runtime archives.
On the compact disk of every software or online download sites, the necessary release of DirectX is often pointed out in for Microsoft windows programs. Generally speaking it’ll be DirectX 10, however some new programs may have release 11 on the Dvd. Microsoft DirectX 11 shall be fine for software programs demanding DirectX 10, but there can be troubles the other way. When you get ?D3dx9_43.dll not found? problem on the video game or program, then look at the needed version of Microsoft DirectX. Make sure to check which edition you’re using.
You could verify the Microsoft DirectX version on your computer system by running ?dxdiag.exe? command in Run in Windows. You can view the release of installed DirectX.
Download and install D3dx9_43.dll Computer file Yourself
This method appears to be the most promising one yet we’ve put this particular solution at the end of available suggestions since grabbing a dll file by yourself without much technical knowledge is not great sometimes. In case the first couple of fixes didn’t fix the situation, be sure to switch the dll file carefully. This particular fix eliminates this matter almost instantly.