Fashion Magazine

How to Simplify This Monday

By Lovelybylucy @lovelybylucy


Mondays aren’t everyones favorite. Nor are they mine. But they shouldn’t have to be as bad as we portray them to be. You just need to keep it simple on Monday. Which is what I first of all did by sparing myself from thinking about what I was going to wear today. My look couldn’t get any simpler, and it’s mostly on Mondays I’m happy I own a few good oversized black t-shirt dresses that work in any occasion.

But it’s not just your look you can simplify, to make Monday (or life) a little easier. I’m not one to say life is not complicated, but there’s ways to live simpler and get rid of at least some (Monday-)stress.

  • Stop complaining. If you’re doing something you don’t like to do, quit doing it. Try to see the bright side. Life seems so much harder if you’re complaining all the time. But try not to complain for an entire Monday and see what it does.
  • Get rid of the things that bother you. Call that person you’re hesitant to call, do what you’ve been postponing or hug it out and get on with your life.
  • Be yourself. And be true to yourself, and others. Know your strengths, embrace your weaknesses. Surround yourself with people that like you for who you are. Trying to be someone you’re not can get really complicated. Don’t try to please everyone.
  • Do one thing at a time, and do it well. Multitasking isn’t cool anymore, it’s stressful and tasks are often much better performed when not multitasking.
  • Smile to people, and give them compliments. It’s really the simplest way to a little extra happiness every day.
  • Get rid of stuff you don’t need. Or people you don’t need. And if people you do need are treating you in a way you don’t need, talk to them about it. Talking it out can be one of the most relieving things.
  • Get up a little earlier than you need to, for a calm and relaxed morning routine.
  • Do small tasks right away. Don’t postpone, if you can do it within 5 or 10 minutes, then do it.
  • Be kind to yourself. That’s probably one of the most important things in simplifying your life, because it’s often ourselves we struggle most with. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Especially not on Mondays.

    I’m wearing a dress from ASOS (here) and boots from And Other Stories.

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