
How to Save Snapchat Videos?

Posted on the 06 May 2023 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

Snapchat is the new trend after the “Selfie” generation, right? Every teen ( Oh and of course even adults) are either in love with selfies, or instant snaps and sending them over Snapchat, and that’s what’s happening right now to this world all plain and simple.

While Snapchat boasts an extremely easy user interface and features, not everything on it might be as simple. For eg. when you’re having doubts like How to save Snapchat videos it might not seem like your cup of tea.

But well, that’s what the internet is for, right? To solve your smallest possible problems, and that’s one of the goals of me writing this piece right now. Okay cut the chase, I’ll just be talking about, and showing you how to save videos from Snapchat in the easiest possible steps.

SnapChat owes it’s popularity to the instant “send and receive” image and videos function, which was kind of unique to it. And well users “thought” that videos and images are deleted immediately from Snapchat servers once they’re seen, well it seems that’s not exactly the case.

And that’s the reason it’s not as hard as it might sound, the whole save a video from the Snapchat thing, trust me it’s not.

You don’t need to hack into any kind of database and feel like the hackers from the movies, in fact, if you passed your 5th grade in one attempt, means you’ve enough common- sense to get along this guide on how to save Snapchat pictures and videos without much trouble.

Of course, Snapchat lets you “replay” the video if you make an in-app payment of some amount, right?

How to Save Snapchat Videos?

The worst part? You can only re-play the videos once!Ah, talk about “things money can’t buy” !). But then again there just are certain moments you just need to grab forever huh? After all, it’s one life we’ve got, why “delete” any part of it?

So that’s where this little tweaks, pranks or apps come into play. We will basically be needing two major materials in order to save videos from Snapchat:-

  • Az-Screen Recorder ( Don’t worry I’ve included a step-by-step guide on it in the below sections !).
  • A bit of brain. ( I suppose you got that !)

So we are all set, I won’t go storytelling, here’s the real deal…

How to Save Snapchat Videos and Pictures:-

As I already said, it’s no rocket science. All you need is a bit of common-sense (ummm…well or maybe a couple of third-party apps, don’t worry they’re free ! ).

The common-sense part…

If you’re trying to save Snapchat pictures and videos, then one of the easiest ways is to, open the image/video on the screen, and take a screenshot of it using another cell, simple. Or record the video of it using another cell phone.

See? Told ya, needs no rocket science. This way your sender won’t also be notified of your mischief with their Snapshot! So, of course, I personally feel and believe, it’s one of the easiest and “don’t get caught stealing” kinda ways to do this.

How to Save Snapchat Videos or Pictures Using Third-Party Apps:-

Well, in case you aren’t looking for “just pictures”, or maybe the above “common-sense” method didn’t work for you, and you are indeed in need of downloading a picture or video from Snapchat, in that scenario the following third-party apps can be lifesavers for you.

There is quite a number of them, allowing you to download pictures and videos of your SnapChat, for free! But a lot of them have been removed from Playstore and AppStore (for obvious reasons), so I’ll just be talking about the one I’ve myself used, tested and been happily satisfied with!

Az-Screen Recorder ( No Root )

Remember my “record video using another cell phone” trick above? Well, this is the “more professional” version of it. And the best thing is you don’t need to stress yourselves with a lot of technicalities.

Well as the name might’ve suggested to you by now, Az-Screen Recorder “records your screen.” I mean it in the sense that, it records whatever’s playing on the screen. So if you run this little app and play a video, that gets recorded too, all plain and simple huh?

The best part is, while this kind of apps keeps getting removed from the play store, this one hasn’t been a victim yet.

So you click on the above link, and you should be taken to the Play store, and you should be able to install it without a problem!

How to Save Snapchat Videos?

Once you’ve downloaded it, just click on it and start recording. And then open your Snapchat.

How to Save Snapchat Videos?

Open the video you want to record, and let it be recorded on the app. ( Which is automatic, of course). 

Once you’ve finished the video, slide down your navigational bar from the top, and click on stop Recording.

How to Save Snapchat Videos?

See?  Simple huh? Now you have a shareable video file, just like any normal video file. You can even copy it to your computers, send it to friends, or make a time-bomb with it. ( Well, just ignore the last option, that’s me being too expressional ).

How to Save SnapChat Stories:-

I don’t think I still need to walk you through this part, right?

Who said the above app saves videos and pictures, but can’t save stories huh?

You open the story, it appears in the chronological order, and then you either snapshot it using another cellphone or use an A-Z screen recorder to record the whole of it.

Basically, the thing is, the above app is the magic wand for Snapchat. What kind of spells you churn out of it is totally on your creativity. So make sure you’re making good use of it.

So I’m guessing if you’ve ever wondered how to save Snapchat videos in your whole totality of unspent life, this solves your problems, huh? Not just videos, Now you can easily save Snapchat pictures or even stories using the same methods, so that’s one less problem to worry about!

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