No need to panic though , since it is a common problem that fortunately has several solutions. If you want to revive your precious lawn back to its healthy state then sit back and relax because today in this article we will discussing the top 10 remedies for reviving a dying lawn that is easy simple and effective
1: Weeding
First and foremost you need to make sure to get rid of weeds that are stealing up your grass nutrients and space. You can use chemical herbicides but since we are out to save some money boiling the weeds or doing hand weeding are some of your best options. If you don't have much time on your hands then boiling weeds is the option for you. All you need to do is boil some water and then pour it over the weeds which will show results within hours of application.
2: Underwatering
Overwatering is a very common mistake a lot of lawn owners make . Overwatering is a serious problem since it makes the soil disease prone and causes the air pockets of soil to block which prevents the roots from breathing leading to root diseases as well as color change of the grass. So water your lawn oftenly but lightly.
3: Raking
Raking your lawn is vital for keeping healthy. Over time a lot of thatch builds up which deprives the roots of air, water and other nutrients causing color change , suffocation and even death in some cases. Raking should be done throughout the year since it will prevent diseases from taking over your lawn.