Unusual dryness, water retention, weight gain, sudden swelling… There are plenty of reasons for a ring to get stuck in your finger. It can happen to anyone, male or female. Most often, soapy water or an oily liquid can quickly do the trick. But sometimes the jewel turns out to be more recalcitrant and categorically refuses to withdraw. Before you start to panic, know that there are various solutions to try. Here are a few.
The trick of dental floss to remove a stuck ring
Trying to remove a stuck ring – Source: spm
First of all, when your wedding ring is suddenly stuck and it refuses to come off, plunge your hand into a bowl of ice water or under very cold running water. This way your fingers can deflate and it will make it easier for you to remove. But if you feel that the matter is complicated, to quickly remove a ring stuck on your finger, all you need is a little dental floss. The operation is simple: you have to slip it under the ring and hook it so that the ring can slide off your finger. Alternatively, you can also wrap the dental floss tightly around your finger, just next to the ring for a few seconds. Then pull the ring over the wire and it will slide more easily towards your fingertip.
Other effective methods to remove a stuck ring
A ring stuck at the level of the finger is common. Even jewelers are used to this type of setback: at the very moment you try on the jewel, it is not uncommon to experience some difficulty in removing it when it is too tight. So to overcome the problem, many techniques have been proven to facilitate the withdrawal of an alliance.
Here are some quick and reliable ways to remove a stuck ring:
To help the ring slide more easily, try applying a greasy hand lotion like baby oil, coconut oil, butter, vegetable oil, or even petroleum jelly . Spread it well on your finger and put enough around the ring. Then try to gently remove the jewelry without forcing it.
When you remove the ring, do not try to wear it again. Better to ask the advice of a jeweler: perhaps it will be necessary to resize it so that it is perfectly adjusted to your finger.
You may not have the reflex to think about it, but this method is very ingenious. If the option of the finger in ice water has not been conclusive, you can try this trick: fill a basin with cold water and add a bag of ice cubes. Immerse your hand in the container and let it act for about ten minutes. This will help reduce finger swelling. If possible, keep your hand elevated while cooling your finger.
After this time, try gently removing the ring above your finger (closer to the knuckle) by slowly twisting it. If it still does not move, wait 15 minutes and try again by repeating this process.
NB : the ice reduces the blood flow, which will reduce the swelling of the finger. But, a longer time under such freezing water can cause skin problems. Moreover, if you feel any pain or discomfort, immediately remove your hand from the basin.
Last resort: cut the ring

A ring stuck on your finger – Source: spm
If all the above methods do not work and the problem persists, then a more drastic solution should be tried, because it is dangerous to leave a finger congested for too long. The last resort is to cut the ring so as not to aggravate the situation. Even some jewelry stores are equipped with specific tools to carry out this type of emergency operation. Be careful, for safety reasons and to take no risks, never plan to cut yourself a ring stuck on your finger. Always seek specialist help.
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