
How to Remix a Song?

Posted on the 19 August 2023 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

On a personal note, songs and music are my eternal love. They are actually like a medium of escape for me. I bet that the case with many of you is the same. There is one other genre of music which I like and it is Remixes. Remixes are like a whole new version of an original song.


The beats, the loops are the things which embellish the song even more.
So, just in case if you want to know how to remix a song then this section is for you.
In this article, we will tell you how to make remixes or how to mix songs? So, let’s get started:

How to remix a song?


Step #1:
Before getting any further, you first need to try out your hands on some good audio editing softwares. It will be like your workstation and will witness most of your work. It is something that plays a very crucial role in a remix song.

So, you should start looking for good video editing software which suits your needs and complies with your requirements.

For your ease, let us tell you some good audio editing software which you can use to remix your song. The first one is free software which is widely used for such creations. The name of the software is “Audacity”. There is a chance that you have heard about this software because it is extremely popular.

Another one is paid software which is quite efficient and the name of the audio editing software is “Ableton”. So, if your pocket allows you, then you can certainly go for it.

So, in this step, you are to decide on the software and try your hands out there. Additionally, it would be better if you get familiar with the working module of the software as this will help you in great ways.

Step #2: Now, you need to select a song or track which you can remix. If we see, remixing is nothing but a manipulative derivation of any existing art piece. It is somewhat like repeating a part over and again with some added flavors of sound.

You can consider the following points while looking out for any song to remix.

1) Select such a song which entertains you. Something which doesn’t make you bore and holds on you with its beats and rhythm.

2) Try to get the original tracks.

Once you are all done with your song, then you can now indeed move forward to the next steps.

Step #3: Now, in this step, you are supposed to add your sounds. Try experimenting with the beats. It is said that the more you experiment, the more it gets better.

Try adding different tracks, repeating looping the beats and much more.

You can also consider listening to other remixes to get an idea of the same. This gonna help you a lot while mixing your own song.

Step #4:  Do not forget to check the copyright laws regarding the same in your country. You might not want to get into some unnecessary trouble. I bet that you don’t. So, pay utmost attention to this and act carefully.


Step #5: Now, you need to cut down the loops which you wanted in your remix. This is where the tools which we have mentioned earlier will come handy. Once you are done with this and assembled the song into one, then you can now try some hands onto the effects. This will add a flavor to your remix.

Step #6: In this step, you are required to reconstruct the track once again. For this, you will have to play with BPM and time signature. Once you are done with the same, then you can now easily have a command over the tempo. You can set your tempo to whatever you want without losing much of the quality associated with your remix.

Step #7: Now, all that you require is to export the media by making use of your audio editing software. It is advised you to export your track as WAV or AIFF file.

Step #8: Now, in order to distribute your latest creation, you can now consider converting your file to mp3 as it is the most used format for audio files. For this, you can use any of the converters either online or offline.

This way you can easily remix a song and distribute it to others. Also, take utmost care of the copyright issues and take actions accordingly.

Tip for a great remix.


In this section, we will tell you about some of the great tips which will surely help in creating a great remix song.

1) Go for the right song.
Hustle for the right song. This is the most crucial part because it will ultimately lead to a great remix. Go for the one which personally entertains you.

2) Listen to other great remixes.
This will help you to create great remixes. You can seek inspiration from all time best remixes. Analyze them and try to create your own aura with great mixes.

3) Keep it around.
Remixes are the manipulative version of the original songs. So, you should try not to play with the soul of the song. You must consider building around the same. This will help you to reach the already established audience of the same.

4) Experiment.
This is important. Experiment as much as you can. Listen to your remix as many times as you can before the final draft. This will help you to identify the loophole and correct it before it is officially out.

Now, we are on a verge to end this article on “How to remix a song?” We believe that we made this article helpful enough to satisfy your curiosity and needed to make your own remix.

Moreover, if you have any other information or query regarding this topic then do tell us via comments. We would love to hear from you.

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Thank you for crossing by and giving it a fantastic read.

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