How to read Spare for free in Mobile and PC. Since its release, copies of Prince Harry’s candid memoir Spare have been flying off the shelves. The book has a wealth of information about his upbringing in a royal family and also traces his path to meeting his bride, Meghan Markle.
There is a way to obtain a digital copy if you want one but don’t want to pay for it. Here is all the information you require.
How to download Spare for free on Audible:
Joining Audible, Amazon’s audiobook service, for a free trial is the easiest method to obtain Spare without spending any money.
One free credit is given to new members to use on any audiobook in the library, including Spare. To register, all you need is an Amazon account (if you don’t already have one), not Amazon Prime membership.
Prince Harry personally narrates the audiobook, allowing you to hear the narrative in his voice.
Here are the procedures you must follow in order to obtain the audiobook without paying anything:
1. Create an account on Audible:
Through the Audible website, either register for an Amazon account or login into an existing one.
You can accomplish this without being a member of Amazon Prime.
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2. Enter your payment details:
Click “Start Your Free Trial” after providing your name, address, and payment card information.
Audible’s regular monthly price once the free trial expires is $14.95/£7.99.
3. Search for Spare in the Audible library:
Search for Spare and click on the result that says “By Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex” to make your account active.
4. Use your free credit for Spare:
Click the “Buy with 1 Credit” link in the yellow box.
All newly created Audible accounts receive a free credit, and it is completely free.
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5. Confirm purchase:
To purchase Spare, click the yellow “Confirm Purchase” button.
6. Spare should now be added to your Audible library:
There are several ways to listen to Spare on Audible, including Kindle, PC, Mac, iOS, and Android devices.
Simply download the app, log in, and Spare should be accessible under the ‘Library’ area.
Make sure to terminate your account before your 30-day free trial expires by heading to the “Account Details” area and repeatedly clicking “Cancel Membership” if you don’t want to pay anything.
Is Spare available on Amazon Kindle Unlimited, or as a free e-book?
Spare is now priced at $17.99/£13.99 on Amazon’s website; but, as of the time of writing, it is not yet part of the Kindle Unlimited program. Additionally, you need a functioning Amazon Prime account to do this.
As a result, the only format in which you may obtain the book for free is as an audiobook. There are advantages to hearing the memoir, of course. You may listen in while driving, roaming about town, or even while preparing supper.