You know the phrase – “change is inevitable.”
We can’t help it. We can’t stop it.
We can prepare for it.

Photo from stevendepolo, Creative Commons
Last month, I spoke at my first professional (and paid) speaking gig. Needless to say, I was very excited and nervous at the same time.
But this is a new adventure in my life. Moonlighting as a guest speaker for small events at my church has given me some experience, but this is a step toward a possible new vocation.
Am I ready for this change?
Because I have prepared.
I have spent a lot of time in prayer these past few months. I’ve learned that I don’t know it all, nor do I know what the right path is for me. I need to trust in God and follow His plan for me. I have also ran across some great devotionals from The Confident Woman Devotional by Joyce Meyer (affiliate link). Here are some of the ones that provided the most encouragement.
- Lord, I believe You have a great future for me and that I can walk in Your purpose for my life. Isaiah 43
- Lord, thank You for the examples in Your Word of individuals who stepped forward in faith despite their fears. Help me to do the same. Ezra 3:3-4
- Lord, You used people of all ages throughout the Bible. I am excited about what You have for me to accomplish. 1 Timothy 4:12
We all need someone in our life to act as a sounding board – whether it’s a family member, friend, or mentor. Someone who has a “judge-free” ear and can offer level-headed feedback.
I am lucky enough to have a couple of these people in my life, who all give different perspectives. They help me reign in my crazy ideas and help me weed through my processes.
I love singing. I’ve been a part of a worship team for my church for the past 12 years as a back-up vocalist. And I will always be a back-up vocalist. Why? I don’t have “chops” to hold a song on my own. But the key is that I’ve realized this.
Being honest with yourself is so very important. We need to know our limitations. There are things that can be learned, and there are things we have been given as a natural talent. Focus on those talents to use your time most wisely.
Use people who will give honest feedback. Don’t look for a “yes-man” to stroke your ego. That wont help you.
I love lists. Grocery lists, to-do lists, travel lists…the list is endless

In my plans, I included my passion for public speaking. I also noted things I needed to do and set dates to achieve goals. These things help keep my drive alive and motivate me to reach my dreams.
Question: How do you prepare for change? Leave a comment below!
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