A lot of people have been sending mails to us requesting for a guide on how to Score high in Post-UTME Screening Examination.So today we have decided to focus on how to pass post-UTME Exam 2018 without any stress. So sit back and thoroughly go through this article if you are writing the forth coming Post UTME admission screening exams.
With these tips we can guarantee you that you will be able to score above 90% in 2018 Post-UTME exams as well as beyond.
So after checking your JAMB score and you were able to scale the threshold the long wait begins. This is the period that you should use to put into practice this tip that I will share with you shortly.
How To Pass Post-UTME Admission Screening Exams
So these are the laws to pass this year Post-UTME exams beyond the average level.
- Familiarize yourself with the Syllabus
- Get past question
- Know the departmental cut off mark for your course
- Apply for Exams on time
- Know your subject combination
- Be hungry for success
- Do not procrastinate
- Read! Read! Read!
- Have a schedule for studying
- Put your past questions into use
- Test and time yourself
- Learn to use memory technique
- If you are a science student practice without calculator
So let's see the break down on how to use this tips
1. Familiarize yourself with the Syllabus
What syllabus am I talking about here? Well get the Post-UTME syllabus of your choice school and go through it thoroughly.
It is an invitation of failure to stay without doing anything and when it is two months to the exams you decide to kill yourself with overwork.
There is a popular saying that if your fail to plan you are planning to fail. In the event of not preparing enough for your upcoming Post-UTME Admission Screening Exams, you have eventually booked your place amongst the prospective candidates for next year Post-UTME exams.
2. Get past question
Nobody expecting examination success can do without past questions. As a student, past questions had always been my best companion. The best thing to do once you have known that you have pass the UTME threshold is to get post-UTME past questions. We are compiling our past questions now once we are done we will notify all our readers and distribute it to all.
3. Know the departmental cut off mark for your course
It will be a worst nightmare to prepare for a course whose cut off mark is high and you know you don't stand a chance in the Post-UTME exams. Verify the departmental cut off marks of all the courses in your choice school before applying for the admission screening. You can click here to see all the Jamb and departmental cut of mark of all the schools in Nigeria .
4. Apply for Exams on time
One of the causes of failures in external exams is when you are not well informed about the application date and schedule. Apply on time if you want to pass well.
5. Know your subject combination
Do you know the subjects that are needed to get admission in that course you are applying for? Stop wasting water on the back of the fowl.
It will be disheartening to go through all the stress only to discover that you don't have the required papers needed for admission in that course.
Take time to find out these things
6. Be hungry for success
A man once said if the mountain does not come to the Mohammed, Mohammed must go to the mountain. If you are not hungry for success, you might just find yourself struggling to succeed in your admission screening exams
7. Do not procrastinate
Procrastination is a thief of time as we all know. That might just sound too familiar, but have you sat down to think about how procrastination can really affect you in exams?
When it is time to read, you must read. Don't procrastinate for any reason. Putting aside laziness when it is time to read will ensure that you are fully prepared.
8. Read! Read! Read!
What more can I say about this? Of course you know very well that if you don't read you don't have any chance of making it. So do the needful to consummate your success.
9. Have a schedule for studying
Reading at will and at any time wouldn't take you far. You must have a time table and schedule which you must stick to it religiously. Like I keep saying, consistency is the only bridge between accomplishment and goals. If you stick to your study schedule, the chances are high that you will make it.
10.Put your past questions into use
Here is when your post-UTME past question will become very useful. Make sure you use your past questions very well.
11.Test and time yourself
While preparing for the Post-UTME admission screening exams, one thing you have to do is set a particulate time for answering questions. Once this time is over, don't continue answering questions. By this , you will discipline yourself to use the time that will be allocated to you wisely.
12.Learn to use memory technique
You should also learn to use memory techniques such as Mnemonic, Acrostic and even cramming. It helps. It will help you if you can take a look at this article on how to pass any exams excellently where I talked extensively on memory techniques.
13. If you are a science student practice without calculator
You should be aware by now that calculators are not allowed in Post-UTME admission screening exams. Hide your calculator at home or better still throw it away. Work out your calculations without calculators. This will help you get at ease when you are presented with papers without calculators.
With these tips you should be able to scale through the up-coming Post-UTME exams.
We wish you all the success and Good luck! in you up-coming admission screening exams.