Computing Magazine

How To Play Mini Militia Online Game With Friends For Free

Posted on the 30 June 2017 by Dreamtechie

The latest buzz is about an army game, named Mini Militia and this has become a sensational issue among the lovers of mobile games. So, while you might have played somewhere this game and is really interested in owning it, the steps involved are pretty easy. The best thing is you are here at the right place, that will help you in clearing all your doubt and also knowing some 'add-ons'. So, what are they exactly? This is a guide to not only inform you about the playing methods with your friends for free but will also help you in knowing various tricks and codes too.

How to Download Mini Militia

The first step is to have this game installed in your mobile. So, how? For this, you can follow two methods. Either you can go for the most conventional methods of downloading a game by taking a sneak peek at the Google play store or you can just purchase it online. This game has gained immense popularity and it is not very hard to find in the play store list.

However, if you don't have this option, you can opt for the later one and make the purchase by spending less than a dollar. There are many links available on the internet, from where you can very easily purchase it. The advantage of purchasing is that it comes loaded with extra features, which is not available in the normal versions. With the purchased app, you get the chance of customizing your avatars; while at the same time have the access to many powerful weapons.

Mini Militia Playing Methods: You can play this game in both online and offline mode. How? Just by following the below mentioned simple steps!

How to Play Mini Militia Offline

  • The first step is to switch on your mobile hotspot. But make sure that your phone doesn't lag and have a good processor
  • The next step is to click on the Mini Militia app
  • Now clicking the home screen, go to the options menu
  • Follow this systematically- Multiplayer>Deathmatch>LAN Wi-Fi
  • Below the right corner of the screen, you will get the Host button
  • Click on that, which will give you the option on the screen for finding the avatar and the name
  • Now select your desired map, the players, and the total duration. Note that you can select up to 16 players at a time
  • When everything is selected, tap on Done
  • When the requester player joins, you can just start

This step is applicable when you are acting as the host. When you, as a player have been requested and need to join, follow the following instructions

  • The first thing is to switch on your Wi-Fi
  • You need to know the name of the created hotspot. So, get it by asking the host
  • In some cases, you may also need to know the password for the Wi-Fi connection, so know everything from the host and enter accordingly
  • Now follow Multiplayer>Deathmatch>LAN Wi-Fi
  • Host's avatar name will be visible under "Found Games". So, you may need to hold your patience for some time.
  • Even if multiple games are on, it can be seen on the left and right side of the screen
  • After the host name is visible join the game
  • Click on the start button which will make your doodle's ready
  • Once everything is set and done, the game will begin in 10 seconds

How to Play Mini Militia Online

How To Play Mini Militia Online Game With Friends For Free

For playing in online mode, an essential thing that you need to have is a good internet connection and the latest version of Mini Militia game. Once you have both these features, you can follow the steps.

  • Ensure the data is switched on and open the mini militia app.
  • Navigate to Multiplayer and choose custom
  • It will display a list of servers
  • Choose your desired server according to your country. However, it is very wise to choose the server having few players if you are not a pro
  • Once the server is selected, join it
  • Now click on host and fill in the details for your game room
  • Give your desired name to the game room and can even protect it using a password and you're done

For the newbie's, it may not be very easy for you to go high up the rank when you are playing online. But, you got solutions too.

  • Choose your servers wisely based on the ranks of the players
  • Before approaching, make sure the gun is reloaded
  • Keep an eye on the players having powerful weapons like a dual gun
  • To restrict the opponent from scoring, commit suicide if you don't have sufficient health quotient to fight.

With this very handy guide, playing this addictive game shouldn't be a problem at all. So, keep scoring and getting the best rank!

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