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How To Perform An SEO Audit in 4 Steps 2022: The Complete Guide To Boost Page Rankings

Posted on the 14 April 2022 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

Google has set the guidelines for ranking your website in search engine results pages. By following this guide, you will rank better and have a higher chance of being selected as one of their featured sites on Google's SERP page.

The first step is understanding what it takes and then moving forward with filling out all requirements necessary according to Google.

An SEO Audit Tool helps you to find out any basic issues related to your site preventing you from getting noticed by them. To understand exactly these basic issues you just need to give attention.

Guide To Check Page Speed

Your landing page load time is crucial for a high ranking on SERPs. If you want to rank higher, then maintain your loading speed as per Google's requirements of less than 3 seconds and make sure that it loads quickly no matter the user's internet connection.

This will help in keeping visitors interested while they wait for pages to finish getting loaded so that they don't click away from your site before continuing their visit or searching elsewhere online.

There are few steps you can take to maintain your page speed.

Pagespeed insights

Commonly we use Pagespeed Insights to do website speed checks. Honestly, it's a great tool. It indicates many things because we can't remember these small details while developing a website or doing an SEO Audit.

This tool also prevents you from silly and common mistakes. You just need to enter your respective URL and it will give you results in a few minutes and one more thing it's free so don't worry you can check your website status through this tool.

These are a few things that will help you to find out in which part of the website you have to work.

Opportunities provide tips on how to improve the page's performance metrics. Each suggestion in this section estimates by how much faster your site will load if you implement these improvements

Diagnostics provide additional information about how a site adheres to best practices for web development. The diagnostics can help developers to improve their sites and avoid costly mistakes in the future, making it easier for them to meet or exceed marketing goals.

Passed Audits indicate the audits that have been passed by the page.

Optimize pictures

The size of your images can have a huge impact on how quickly your load is.

Huge files take longer to upload and often result in slower loading times for the page, frustrating users who might not stick around long enough to see what's behind it all!

So picture optimization is important because developers typically post large-sized photos that are believed to be high quality, but this simply isn't true. This mistake will slow down your site as well as lower its ranking within SERPS (search engine results pages).

Optimize code

When developing a website, it's important to optimize both the picture and code.

Sometimes we try different things with UX/UI to improve them but forget that this can affect load time if there is too much unnecessary code on the page.

How to Perform an in-depth SEO Audit?

If you want to analyze your website performance, you just need to put your URL into it and get an accurate report of all the lags on your site. It also helps with deep auditing by finding many more things that are mentioned below.

For this audit, we will be using SEO Audit by Brand Overflow. You can sign up for free to audit 500 pages.

Basic factors:

How To Perform An SEO Audit in 4 Steps 2022: The Complete Guide To Boost Page Rankings

No external links

You can find out when your URL has external links or not. It also informs you on which page the external link is missing. Because links are really important for the content as it gives more in-depth experience to your users.

How To Perform An SEO Audit in 4 Steps 2022: The Complete Guide To Boost Page Rankings

Broken external links

It helps you to find out the broken external links. You have to check it because it gives a poor experience to your user or visitor.

No internal links

Internal links are a great way to establish site architecture and distribute link equity. If you find that an internal page is missing you can find it out through this feature and fix it easily.

Broken internal links

It helps you to find out the broken internal links because it gives a poor experience to your user or visitor.

Page mark as nofollow

Informs you that your which page is on NOFOLLOW because when Google sees the attribute (rel="nofollow") on hyperlinks, those links won't get any credit when they rank websites in search results.

Page mark as noindex

Informs you that your page is on NOINDEX because Google is not indexing those URLs.

Technical factors

Headings are vital for organizing the content on your website, and in turn, help both you and Google to understand what is where.

For instance, if you want to find out whether a particular page has an H1 or not this tool can be used as it checks all headings of any given URL.

It's important to make sure your content is easy for Google and viewers alike by ensuring you're using the appropriate headings.

If there is more than one H1 on a page, then that means they might not be necessary or relevant enough and it also hurts your ranking in SERPs.

H2s are important for ranking in search engines and satisfying your users, but lack of them will cause you to rank lower.

It informs you that H3 is missing on the page of your website because it's very important to publish content properly to rank better.

It informs you if your 404 pages are missing and that's a problem. It hurts your user or visitor experience.

This indicates that your Robot.txt is missing. If the robots.txt file is missing, then things are treated as if it's not indexable at all and there can be no other restrictions in place to allow for exceptions.

It informs you if your sitemap is missing because sitemaps are a great way to make sure that search engines can index your website and it is easier for users too.

Optimization factors

How To Perform An SEO Audit in 4 Steps 2022: The Complete Guide To Boost Page Rankings

You can find out if your title tags are missing or not? The title tag is a major factor in helping search engines understand what the page is about.
Without it, searchers will have trouble understanding the content of your site and might click elsewhere for their information needs

If it's too short then it will inform you that this is going against best practices for Google Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines. Most of the time, your title tag should be between 50 and 60 characters to avoid a warning.

It informs you if you have a long title tag because your title tag is most commonly up to 60 characters long. But if you are using too much text and your readers can't see the important information.

It will inform you if the meta description is missing from the website. Meta description tags can be a great way to increase your search engine optimization. Your meta description acts as an "organic ad text".

It warns you if your meta description is too short from recommended meta description length

Informs you when your meta description is too long as compared to meta description recommended length.


Here are the best suggestions on how to boost the Google page speed and boost the page rankings in 4 easy steps.

We have also suggested some amazing free tools to perform a complete SEO audit. In case you have questions, do let us know in the comments.

Check Out Best SEO Tools Review:

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