If you are currently facing erection problems that are ultimately leading to your disturbed sexual life, you might be at high risk of developing erectile dysfunction.
Almost 5% of men who are 40 or above face severe conditions while 15% of those who are 70 or above. On the other hand, even more majority of men suffer from mild ED in their 50s and 60s.

Although this dysfunction has no certain age restriction, it typically occurs more often in older-aged men.
This is why it is really important to treat it holistically in order to bring some real changes.
Natural treatment for erectile dysfunction holds the power of effectively reversing the condition if it is combined with proper medication.
Where having only medication therapy does treat the dysfunction, a healthy lifestyle combined with medication works as a catalyst in the treatment process.
Therefore, in this article, we will tell you about all the possible natural ways through which you can effectively improve your condition.
Exercise & Workout
Although exercise works well for many types of disorders, in ED it does wonders. It increases nitric oxide in our blood vessels that result in improved and increased blood flow and blood pressure which ultimately helps in reversing the dysfunction.
Exercise works effectively as an alternative for viagra, a medicine that is frequently used for Erectile Dysfunction treatment. On the other hand, weight-bearing and resistance exercise also improve the situation by boosting testosterone production.
Proper Sleep
Our hormonal system largely depends on our internal biological clock that starts off certain hormonal secretions during our sleep. One such hormone is sex hormones like testosterone. Their release majorly takes place when men sleep.
Therefore, ED is said to be associated with a thorough and proper night's sleep as it leads to smooth testosterone secretion and regulation.
No Smoking
The erection takes place when blood in blood vessels experience a surge of flow towards the penis. When people smoke, the first thing that undergoes a severe impact is blood vessels.
Smoking constricts and narrows the arteries which ultimately leads to blockage. Therefore, the blood flow gets highly disturbed and decreases, and problems occur in an erection.
No Alcohol Consumption
Since nitric oxide is so important for a through blood flow in blood vessels, therefore anything that suppresses its production results in decreased blood flow and blood pressure.
Therefore is it advisable to quit drinking as alcohol highly affects the production of nitric oxide by reducing the activity of the central nervous system, thus leading to erection problems down the line.
Medication Monitoring
Some times, many medicines also alert the normal functioning of our organs due to their interference in blood flow. Many antidepressants, heart medication, diuretics, psychiatric drugs, hormonal therapy, blood pressure medications, and many other drugs are responsible for displaying adverse side effects on erection.
It is suggested that if you are suspicious about any of your medications, take your doctor's consultation immediately before deciding to discontinue.
After adopting a healthy lifestyle, make sure to take proper medication as well, to ensure a fast recovery.